Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke, Albert H. Handel and
Original and 3 carbons made: Copies to York, Handel & Germer. Mailed same day.
Aeon of Truth and Justice.
17 April 1948
Fellow Stars,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
In The Vision and the Voice, Liber CCCCXVIII, it was prophesied by O.M. in the 3rd Aethyr: "Twenty and two are the mansion of the House of my Father, but there cometh an ox [Aleph] that shall set his forehead against the House, and it shall fall. [This may also refer to the Fall of the Great Equinox mentioned in Liber Legis.] For all these things are the toys of the Magician and the Maker of Illusions, that barreth the Understanding from the Crown".
The old system of A∴A∴—the Order of the Silver Star—in regard to the Twenty-two Paths of the "Tree of Life", has fallen. (In the meanwhile, however, the order of the Paths had been restored—see Q.B.L. and The Egyptian Revival—although no new rituals have yet been written.) There remains, however:
which is symbolized above.[1] For there is: "That which remains."
After the Birth of Nemo at the Solstice of 1916, Therion, on attaining his full grade of Magus, unsuccessfully tried to obtain the Word of the Grade. (His correspondence is on file.)
About ten years later, on May 8, 1926 at 6.19 P.M. in Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love—in the presence of a living witness to whom it was immediately communicated, the Word was obtained by one which Liber Legis prophesied should obtain the Key of it All. This Word, when comprehended rightly, clearly shows this, for it contains many formulae and special virtues.
Early in 1932 the symbolic arrangement of the Formula was discovered. This was at the time of the successful passing of the first Ordeal mentioned in Liber Legis, III.64. It was commemorated as "The Arising of the Silver Star" and this paper, on which I now write, was printed accordingly.
On Easter Sunday, April 12, 1936, intimations were received of certain new formulae, which resulted in the writing of Three entirely new and simple Rituals of Opening and Closing, the formation of a special group of seven people, the opening of a special Lodge, and the writing of a special History Lection on the evening of the Wesak Festival, May 6, 1936. About 10 years after discovery of Word and 20 years after O.M.'s failure to obtain one.
This is all in exact accordance with statements made in Liber Legis.
Chapter I v.49 says: "Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs." (Just after having made special reference to the Ox.)
Chapter I v.34, Nuit says: "the ordeals I write not: the rituals shall be half known and half concealed: the Law is for all."
This is a proven fact. The old rituals relative to the "Tree of Life" are known—the new arrangements of "Paths" are published, but unused; the New Rituals have been, and are still, concealed—for they explain the secret Key Word.
Chapter II v.5, Hadit says: "Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by my prophet. Then shall this Knowledge go aright."
Note here the capitalization of the word Knowledge. The Union of Wisdom and Understanding is said to produce the concealed Sephira Daäth—which means Knowledge. It is as it were the 11th Sephirath. It is in this sense that Nuit says: "My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us." That is, of THOSE WHO KNOW.
But this Word had hitherto been working in concealment on the inner planes, and it continued to do so until after the death of Therion, the Great Magician and representative of the Maker of Illusion which cutteth off the Understanding from the Crown. (See Liber 31 as to how that was seen to be so when the Key of Liber Legis was discovered.) Only on March 17, 1948—one month ago to-day—was the discovery made that the Word Manifestation, shown in verse one Chapter I of Liber Legis with a small "m" and in the last verse (66) with a large "M", was that which Nuit said was so. Chapter I v.20: "The key of the rituals [Word of Silver Star] is in the secret word [Manifestation] which I have given him [666]" but which he did not discover during his lifetime. But Nuit said: "Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold thou, o prophet, shall not behold all these mysteries hidden therein. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them." L.[iber] L.[egis] Ch.I vv.54-55).
Again, Chili v.39, R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] says: " . . . for in it is the word secret and not only in the English . . .". The Key of Liber Legis was published and made known—the Word still remains secret; despite ONE STAR IN SIGHT—fir can ye Understand it?
In Unity and Love.
Achad. 2.05 P.M. April 17, 1948.
1—This is a reference to the letterhead, which features Jones's Silver Star MANIO design.