Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke, Albert H. Handel, Karl Germer and Another
Copies to Yorke, Handel, Germer and another
Aeon of Truth and Justice.
18 April 1948
Children of Light,
In order that there shall be no confusion among those who may feel at a loss owing to the destruction of the House of the Great Magician and its effect upon the Paths of the Tree of Life, please bear in mind that a Restored Order is available to you, as shown in Plate at the end of the book called The Egyptian Revival and again on page 35 of The Anatomy of the Body of God.
In the Order, no proper provision was made for the formula of Chance v.[ersus] Design, Anti-chance v. Chance, which is the Key of this Scientific and Atomic Age. In the New Order, the one exception from its Astrological perfection, represented by the Tarot Card The Wheel of Fortune, has been made to replace the old Path of Aleph—The Fool—upon which was the curse of Madness in time past. This Path connects Kether and Chokeman. It now becomes, we might say, the symbol of "Gambling with the World".
The Path connecting Kether and Dinah was in the old order attributed to The Magician and was under the Curse of the Great Liar. In the New Order this is replaced by the Tarot Trump The Universe, which is attributed to Saturnus [Karl Germer], the legal successor of the Magician Aleister Crowley. In a wider sense, this has to do with the Redemption of Time, which is a Great Mystery of the Universe.
The Third Path connecting Kether with Tiphereth in the old order was of The High Priestess and was cursed with "Glamour" by the Great Magician. It was attributed to the Moon. In the New Order it is replaced by the Path of Shin—Spirit—and The Last Judgment, which is yet in evidence in this Aeon of Truth and Justice in which man is judged by his interpretation and use of: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law! Thelema.
The Reciprocal Path, connecting Chokeman and Dinah, now crosses the Path of Spirit, and is shown in the New Order to be THE STAR—attributed to Aquarius, the New Age, and shown in diagram as Tzaddi; which, however, may prove to be more correctly Ayin, The Eye. (It may then represent the "Eye of Shiva", or the Allseeing Eye, bringing about, or witnessing, the Last Judgment and the Restoration of Spirit.)
The lower part of the "Tree" now shows what was the 31st Path of the "Last Judgment" (when the dead arise) is now occupied in the New Order by The Magician—who has been judged, cremated, and reduced to ashes, which are Willed to Saturnus, but from which the Phoenix may Arise. It is interesting to note how "The Magician" and "Saturnus" have now changed places, or rather have a certain aspect of succession; for the Path which in the old order was attributed to Saturn—that from Malkuth to Yesod—is now occupied by The Fool—the Magical Child of Therion as foretold in Liber Legis. This Fool choose to descend to Malkuth—the Kingdom, which is his true Sphere of Office, as Achad.
The Path now occupied by Aleph (the Ox) or The Fool leads directly to Yesod—"Sod" means the "Secret". No longer is there the curse of Madness in this "Path of Air" which we inbreathe. For Breath is Life, and the atmosphere of the Kingdom must be purified.
The Path which in the old order was reciprocal between Chokeman and Dinah was that of The Empress—Venus—Love. In the New Order, Love directly descends upon Malkuth from the true Sphere of Venus—Netzach. In like manner, the Wisdom of Mercury descends upon Malkuth from the true Sphere of Mercury—Hod—and the Power of the Breath cometh down from the channel previously occupied by Saturn but not truly that of AIR—Aleph.
And so we see that in place of the Three Great Curses of the Old Supernal Triad, we now have the Three Great Blessings—Wisdom, Love and Power—directly descending on Malkuth—the Kingdom—which for the Truthful and Just, with their feet on the Earth, is a Very Good Place to Be.
Yours in Unity and Truth and Love.
Achad. 2.24 P.M.
Later: The "chances" that one could have foreseen this turn of "The Wheel of Fortune" 25 years ago when Paths were Restored seems rather remote. Add to them the "chance" signing of this document and that 224 corresponds to THE PATH (see Sepher Sephiroth) and . . . ? It seems to indicate that there is now only One Path—One Sphere—the Tree having folded up. Perhaps no "paths" or "space-marks", for it is written, "Bind nothing!" and "Let it be that state of manyhood . . . " and "If ye confound the spacemarks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many . . . etc" Each must interpret for himself the significance of all this.