Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke & Others
21 April 1948
In the Twelfth Year of the Aeon of Horus, the Sun our Father being in Degrees [?] of the sign [?], and the moon in [?] degrees of the sign [?], did V.I.O.O.I.V., having been led of the Spirit through the appointed Paths, voluntarily take upon himself the Grade of Neophyte, and again became ACHAD, 1º=10o A∴A∴ the Great White Brotherhood of Light.
Now therefore must he of necessity take of the service of his Grade and prove the Law unto men. Here then is this Law as it is written in The Book of the Law. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
There is no Law beyond do what thou wilt.
The word of the Law is Thelema.
Now it is said of the Neophyte that "By doing certain things certain results will follow", also "It is desirable that the student should never attach to any result the importance which it at first seems to possess." There is one case however in which the Results are CERTAIN and the value thereof unalterable. It is written: Thou must:
1. Find out what is thy Will.
2. Do that Will with: One-pointedness. b. detachment. c. peace.
How then shalt thou find WHAT IS THY WILL?
This may be discovered by the practices of Liber Thisharb, it may also be accomplished in the following manner:
It is said: "Deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are and not other", therefore Be Natural! Be Thyself!
It is also said that the incarnation of every man and woman into this world is a deliberate act of free-will, and that each has come here in order to carry out a certain task—the expression of that Will—but the penalty, as it were, of our Obligation in taking birth here, is to lose sight of the Purpose for which we came. Once find that purpose, the Lost Word, and our problem is solved; we can at once take up the second half of the formula.
It is necessary therefore for everyone to formulate a Central Purpose, and this for the moment may best be expressed, since its true nature is unknown, by the highest Ideal of which one is capable. Fix in thy mind a clear and definite ideal, and let it represent unto thee that Lost Purpose thou art seeking; and change it not until thou shalt have arrived thereat, when, if it be not what thou hast sought, thine own Higher Self will reveal unto thee the next step. Fix then thy Purpose, thy Will, then whatsoever thou hast in hand, be it the simplest task of thy daily life, ask thyself "Will this lead towards that Point, or away thereform?" and Act accordingly.
Having then asserted thy freedom in this manner, remember that Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, applies to all, not only to thyself. Every man, and woman, in thy surroundings, is consciously or unconsciously striving to follow the path that has now been clearly shown to thee. See to it, then, that it is not thy fault if they are turned aside from the Path. Thy liberty is absolute to travel surely and certainly towards thy Goal, in all else thou art bound to let others have their way unhindered. This is the meaning of (b) detachment.
In as far as thou doest these things aright, so shalt thou surely arrive as the last stage—Peace. Peace unalterable. And thou shalt understand that 'every man and every woman is a star', and each star moves in an appointed course without interference.
But also it may seem unto some that they are excluded from this path because they are unable to choose for themselves a central ideal upon which to base their work. Is it not written: Love is the law, love under will?
For such, a way is open. A certain Holy school is in existence, even an Outer College, in which every man and woman, who is free and of full age and of good report, may have presented to them, in a series of Initiations, One Pure Ideal after another; as it were step by step, and at each step that Ideal will be fully worked out and explained, so that travelling by this pleasant means each may push on, or linger, as it pleaseth him, until that One Ideal is presented to him that he clearly recognizes as his Own. Then shall he be in a position to carry out his Will as explained above.
And of the necessary details of obtaining this method of instruction it is only necessary for him to apply to: ____________________ when full information will gladly be granted unto him.
Love is the law, love under will.
The above was originally written on July 20, 1916. These copies are made from the original this 21st day of April, 1948—Achad.
This message was printed and circulated in 1916 with the full consent of the Master Therion. But in the printed edition the first paragraph was omitted and the Comment began as follows:
In the Twelfth Year of the Aeon of Horus, at the time of the Summer Solstice, did Frater Achad, a Neophyte of the A∴A∴, aspire to be of help to those who are unable to comprehend clearly the Message of the Master Therion.
Now, therefore, . . . etc.
This Message remains substantially true today and in this New Aeon of Truth and Justice should, I think, be reissued.