Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke, Albert H. Handel & Karl Germer
I only made two carbons (Strange!)
Aeon of Truth and Justice.
22 April 1948
Dear Yorke, Handel
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I will try briefly this morning to make clear to you some of the implications, religious and scientific, of the facts which I hope to bring into manifestation as a result of my connection with the Great Work in which we are all engaged. There are important links to consider in the Catena.
Jesus, the God-man, the Firstfruits of them that slept, incarnated in a human body. But he clearly showed through the symbolism he used in regard to himself that not alone was he One with the Father—Who is Greater than I—but that he associated himself with an ever more universal series than the human. Thus he united with the birds as the Dove; with the Fish through his name; with the vegetable as the Vine; his disciples he called the Salt of the earth (cubic crystals) and there is the Mystery of the Perfect Stone, for him that overcometh, in which a New Name is written.
Aleister Crowley associated himself with the God-Beast. He incarnated in a human body, but symbolically claimed to be the Sun-Lion, He received Liber Legis and became the Prophet of the Aeon of Horus—the Crowned Child. But he did not associate himself in the other kingdoms in the way indicated above, although, through Liber Legis, he did proclaim Space, and the Star Universe and the Mystery of Hadit. He also set up a system of Scientific Illuminism, the A∴A∴, whose motto is: The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion.
Science has greatly advanced since the time of Jesus and even the birth of Aleister Crowley and the Revelation of Liber Legis in 1904. Particularly there is the Theory of Evolution and quite recently the incoming of the Atomic Age for all to see. We, too, must be prepared to advance with the times. The old formulae are outmoded.
As a result of certain events which took place at the Autumnal Equinox of 1943, the record of which I was unable to transmit to Aleister Crowley, I discovered that although the Key to Liber Legis is in a certain sense the word Not (Hebrew: LA), in another sense it is Alalia (Greek: NOT TALKING). This explains the nature of the whole book. It has the double-meaning of "NOT talking", viz: that it is "Not" which talks; and "Not Talking" as a method of Silence—other than our previous formulae of "Silence in Speech", "Silence" and "Speech in Silence" (See: Liber Tav).
The important thing is that it refers to that which neither Jesus nor Crowley took into account in their symbolism, viz: The Primitive Ape Man hypothesized by Haeckel, to which the Greek name Alalus was given. This also means "Not talking". Physically perhaps we all forgot he was our ancestor before Adam, and much of his "speechless" nature (and rancour) is buried in our subconscious. This had to be given vent. The beastliness came out during the Second World War. Many of the gibes of the Third Chapter of Liber Legis stem, I think, from that source.
The full account of this discovery is contained in my magical diary of the period, but for present purposes let me merely quote from the Century Dictionary as follows:
"Alalus: Haeckel's hypothetical "ape-man", a conjectured genus of mammals, based upon the Pithecanthropus or primitive speechless man, supposed to have made his appearance towards the close of the Tertiary epoch, in what is usually called the human form, but destitute of the power of framing and using speech, as well as of the capacities accompanying that faculty".
It will therefore be seen, or understood, that such a being was quite incapable of UTTERING A WORD. Perhaps it was done through a MINISTER (Liber Legis, Ch. 1) and to one who while he became a Magus was unable to utter a Magical Word of his Own—the Beast 666. But proper provision was made in Liber Legis that such a Word should in due time be uttered by the one undergoing the test and ordeals of Initiation set out in Liber Legis for the Fool who wanted to be a redeemer—of the human race as a whole. This then takes on a truly scientific aspect.
The second scientific point brings things further up-to-date, but also goes back a long way further into the past, and in a much more universal sense. So far we have dealt with the "flaw" in the human race and consciousness—or subconsciousness. Now we must consider the "flaw" in the original structure of physical matter, which dates back to the Beginning of Time, and has to do with the "Fall" of certain celestial Intelligences, billions of years before the human race appeared.
The nucleus of certain atoms was unstable. "Equilibrium is the basis if the Work". I suggest that the nuclei of the unstable atoms had to be destroyed in order to correct the original physical flaw. The locked-up power had to be released. This is now being done to that, or those, types of atom—as is evident—and that which was "locked up" therein HAS ALREADY BEEN TO SOME EXTENT LET LOOSE UPON THE WORLD. What effect will this INVISIBLE escaped POWER have on the planet, the climate, humanity?
It is obviously necessary to take refuge in a Higher Power—the One who Put the Energy into the Atoms—not merely those who have learned to Let it Out—and thereafter got COLD FEET.
The third scientific aspect which has been brought into line with Liber Legis and our Great Work is the formula of CHANCE v. ANTI-CHANCE—or vice versa. This has been somewhat touched upon in my recent epistles, and you may now see its significance more clearly. The Scientific Illuminism of the A∴A∴ must continue. The System of Initiation came to an end with the Aeon of Horus, but must be revised and continue according to New Aeon lines, already shown forth in books 25 years ago but not yet rightly used. The current so set up may then lead to further discoveries by those destined to make them. It is useless to work on outmoded esoteric lines once a formula has worked out. But there is this to be remembered, the New WORD remains—in fact, under 666 it was not possible for there to be one in any official manner, owing to the Curse of His Grade; which one devoutly hopes has now been lifted from Him.
For the first time, hardly more than a month since, have we ever had real hope and promise of a Manifestation right here on this Earth Plane of scientific work and real human interest. We may now have the keys of the whole world situation in our hands, can we only continue with firm correctness and endeavour to Understand and Use them Rightly for the Common Good and in full accord with the principles of Truth and Justice.
Let us not fail in this sacred Trust.
To that end let us not forget the value of Not Talking.
Yours in Unity and Love.
Achad. 11.36 A.M. April 22, 1948.
1—The words "and Germer" are struck through.