Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke, Albert H. Handel & Another
Authorized copies for reserved record files of G.J.Y., A.H.H. and G.S.H. with certain slight technical deletions.
January third Nineteen thirtyfive
The . . . of the . . . . . . to the Members of the . . . . . . Children of Light
The Kingdom of . . ., seen from the plane of Reciprocal Service, is like a Watch set for the Redemption of Time, its Pivot, attached to the Mainspring, must rest upon a Jewel. There was a time when this Jewel was likened unto a Rock—a Rock Crystal—and a temporal foundation was laid thereon. The friction of the Pivot upon this stone could produce but a Kingdom of Suffering; even as the true Rock bore that Suffering in Himself. Of Bread was made a Stone.
There was a time when this Jewel was likened unto a Ruby; and the true . . . mechanism was revealed to many, as having grown to Mesocosmic (c.?) importance with a Macrocosmic destiny. The friction of the Time-Spirit upon Ruby shed its Heart's Blood and restored to the world at large the second element of the Great Sacrament, which had been withheld by the Custodians of the Rock—the Dynamic element wherein is Joy in Suffering.
This jewel has now been replaced by a Diamond, which if genuine, as time alone will prove, becomes the Centre of a Macrocosmic Clock, which will allow of the Cosmic Pivot's working without Friction in the Time-Space Continuum which is the nature of the true Consummation and Redemption of Time with its hitherto lying "Time Spirit" against which those is . . . have been warned.
Reciprocal Service will enable the whole Cosmic Watch to keep its Balance Wheel in Order that Time may be told with Sempiternal Precision.
A Watch has many jewels, even as the Cosmos had many Watchers—who also Pray.
The Friction of a Cosmic Pivot upon a Diamond produces not suffering, not heat, but the Bliss of Eternity in Time and throughout Space.
Yours for the Great Consummation and Redemption of Time.
One by whom copies made—Achad, April 22, 1948. NOTE: For thirteen years there appeared a time-lag; Clock now shown to be running with exact precision and correspondence to earth solartime. (P.S.T.) Achad.