Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






[Letterhead has 13-pointed diamond with the Number 438 written in center. The letters around the diamond read—from top point clockwise— I N T F N I O E T A M S A]



22 April 1948



Dear Yorke,


This letter is unique. It is the first ever written on special paper prepared to disclose the symbolism of the Manifestation of the Aeon of Truth and Justice. But the symbol contains an error, so the die must be destroyed.


The record is as follows. I took the original sketch of the symbol to the city on Friday April 16th and arranged to have die cut and paper of symbolic size printed so as to indicate the proportions 13 to 31. Having returned home and given the matter further consideration that night, I rang up the engraver on Saturday, April 17th but found he was not at the office. A message was left, changing the size of the paper to this present regular one which I always use, and telling him to increase the size of the die accordingly—leaving it to chance just what size he chose. The paper was to have been ready tomorrow, Friday, April 23rd.


Early this afternoon I rang up and asked for the engraver. He replied and informed me, as I thought, the job is done and will be ready when you call tomorrow. I thanked him. Later I found I still had time to get to the city before closing time, and decided to do so, because I wanted to have paper as near the entry of Sun into Taurus as possible.


On arrival the engraver came to me and said the paper would be ready, as promised, tomorrow. He had not said "job is done" but "job is run"—meaning off the press. It needed a night to dry properly. However, he said I could have a few sheets for immediate use. These I took, after commending his workmanship, and arrived at Bus Terminal, where I examined the paper again. There was an "N" where should have been "M".


This is a recurrence of the 1932 incident with die of "Silver Star" and "Word". They made an error in blue background and whole job had to be discarded and re-done. That is why A.C. never got the formula of "Silver Star".


Tomorrow I must "Try again!"


Yours in Truth and Love.




