Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
22 April 1948
Dear Jones—or should I write NAOMI?
Yours 19th April 1948.
The following occurred to me while reading the above letter. In 1932 [actually 6 December 1931]—when A.C. was attacked with a carving knife by the Scarlet Woman [Bertha Busch] of the day—he made me his magical successor and also his executor: but the old boy did not die after all and I broke with him on all external planes shortly after. At that time my motto as Neophyte was NIA (in Enochian) and one of A.C.'s mottoes was O.M. I wonder if the dates correspond with the symbolic arrangement of your word incorporated in your silver star seal. It strikes me as the sort of coincidence which would appeal to you.