Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Karl Germer









26 April 1948



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Yours of April 23rd to hand.


A.C. either printed or put in typescript commentaries on Liber Legis all the information re. discovery of Key word that he thought fit. Some further extracts from Liber 31 also appeared in an article Gambling with the World which I understand you have seen. The remainder deals with matters which might cause further confusion just now if transmitted to you as requested. Had I thought otherwise I should have already done so. What was said in that ms. will throw no extra light on present unexpected situation.


I think A.C. may purposely have destroyed the manuscript—and the typescripts or the unpublished portion of my magical diary. In that case it was because he did not wish to hand them on to you or others. In any event providence did not leave them among his effects, and the mss. are my private property. Sometime they may be circulated or published, but now, I am sure, is not the best time.


Yours in Unity and Love,




