Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Karl Germer
26 April 1948
Care Frater Saturnus,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Here is a little problem which neither Yorke [Gerald Yorke] nor Handel [Albert H. Handel] could deal with but which I think you will be able to see the point of and solve, because I suspect that you may have had some connection with the Universal Pansophic Society. If that is the case please bear in mind the first problem to be worked out by students of that system, viz: the symbolism of Rad. If you understand my reference above (which Y.[orke] and H.[andel] would not ) please consider the following:
Liber Legis I.56: "All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little . . ."
Now refer to Liber Legis, III.47 and the original manuscript, or reproduction:
How are the words: " . . . and then this circle squared in its failure is a key also" to be interpreted?
I am aware that 666 after receiving the Key in 1919 immediately put upon this an interpretation of his own, viz: that there was a mystery of the letters "St" and that "Pi" could then be shown as 3.141593, correct to six places of decimals. But this, if anything, is a success rather than a failure. Can you see a further meaning which makes even that a failure rather than a success? Bearing in mind the words: "Key to it all" you should be able to work it out from the above hints—if you have not already done so with A.C. in your past workings of the nature of which I am unaware.
Please bear in mind one further hint, the symbol A.C. drew in original manuscript was not reproduced in any of the published editions of Liber Legis, viz: in the printed text.
Please deal with this letter separately from our other correspondence. I'm not seeking to "trap" you, or anything of that sort, but merely to give another instance of the extraordinary accuracy of the test of Liber Legis, and its further working out at this time.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in Unity and Love,