Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
27 April 1948
Dear V.I.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I don't think much of your idea of dumping your A∴A∴ Probationers onto someone else. You are certainly in a better position to look after them than is Saturnus [Karl Germer]. In the A∴A∴ one's sole obligation is service to those below one—not to any higher authority. These people are your real assets—otherwise you'll be the end of a chain and the karmic results will be yours. Please think this over. Perhaps the "Comment of Frater Achad" would help to keep them trying to find their true Purpose under your good guidance.
Same applies to your idea about sacred things of O.T.O. and deposit in B.[ritish] M.[useum]. The proper thing of course is to devote your life to finding a suitable heir to your knowledge; that is the R.C. rule: "Fail not of an heir".
Yours in Unity and Love.
As a Neophyte you've received fairly good service, haven't you?