Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel





Aeon of Truth and Justice.


28 April 1948



To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel,


Fellow Stars,


I now send you the first testimony of the new Stone which symbolizes the manifestation of the Aeon of Truth and Justice.


The arrangement of the letters is partly by design and in part by chance: design insofar as a sentence was first formulated which was to be expressed; chance insofar as the word "Saint" appeared at the top quite clearly and has special meaning.


You will remember the document written on April 2nd at the incoming of the Aeon, and how mention was there made of the word "saint" in connection with Aleister Crowley. says his stature shall surpass the stars, and here, in one sense, it certainly does that of the new star.


Also note how word "Ain", the Qabalistic Void which he affirmed, appears in the midst of the letters "S T" and that ST is Set which he said should be his holy covenant.


The further mysteries of this symbol, Time will show,


Yours in Unity and Love,




