Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke & Others
29 April 1948
Fellow Stars,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Further manifestation are in evidence daily, and since Nuit is said to be continuous, one might suppose that the in- and our-weaving of new patterns of thought could be of sempiternal duration. Also, since ION which is associated with MA is another names for Hermes (see Eleusis, end of A.C.'s Collected Works), the current is likely to be a swiftly moving one. The question is whether the recorder is expected to supply a daily air-mail service, or to just go on "beholding" with occasional comments? You should have enough evidence by now from historical point of view.
There is one further point which may be of importance for you to note. This occurred to me yesterday.
While it was necessary that the House of the Juggler should "fall" and the paths of the "Tree" be restored, the "fall" of the Great Equinox mention in Liber Legis may have quite another meaning and interpretation.
The Century Dictionary gives a number of definitions of the term "fall". Two of these are enlightening.
One talks of the Equinox as "falling" on a certain date—such as March 21st. In this present case the Great Equinox may have" happened" to "fall" on April 2nd, 1948.
This seems to be confirmed by another of the definitions: "To come by chance, or unexpectedly". But there is yet a third which is most significant:
Fall: To be dropped in birth, to be brought forth or born; now used only of lambs and some other young animals.
This is indeed strange since these events have taken place so unexpectedly soon after the passing of the Lion [the death of Crowley].
Here's to the Birth of the Great Equinox!
Yours in Love and Unity,