Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






1 May 1948



Dear Yorke,


Your letter of 5/4/48 by slow mail, with papers re. Cefalù returned, to hand this evening; what a difference air-mail makes. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge while yours just received was on its way.


I am sending you two photographs: one of A.C. and family, the other (not so good) a general view of Cefalù. Both with A.C.'s writing on them. Hope they will be useful.


Thanks for all you say about Germer [Karl Germer], your experience with A.C., archives, Will, etc. etc. That makes things much clearer. It is interesting to note that VIATOR [Max Schneider] died in the presence of Saturnus [Karl Germer] on April 7th—just one day before the 44th Anniversary of Writing of Liber Legis.


(1) I notice from your envelope that you are interested in postage stamps. Enclosed are a couple of first issue citizen stamps. On this I wrote to "Province":

Sir: With due respect to the partially disabled, it seems a pity that the new commemorative postage stamp issued July 1 should depict the new Canadian Citizen as lacking the middle finger of his right hand. Prior to citizenship I always found this finger very useful—if only in making the familiar "V" sign. This new citizen as portrayed on the stamp appears to be doing his best to make the victory sign bottom-side-up.

The stamp was soon withdrawn.


(2) In regard to my Will. I made one in 1907 leaving everything to my wife, and have never changed it. What you suggest appears at first sight reasonable; but the truth is that if I don't live long enough to sort things out properly—which I hope to do so if it's my job—than I can see no good reason for leaving this property to you or Germer. It seems only fair as it may by then have considerable value, that my wife (who is quite incapable of sorting it) should get it auctioned off in a number of collector's items, and let things take their chance. She's likely to have little enough of an estate, anyway. Why "rob" the widows and orphans.


(3) Glad you realise I did not "sell out" to C.[atholic church]. But did enter and stay in good faith. However question is if structure as it stands is suitable "Bride" for New Aeon. There may be wee bit sand in the rock.


Yours in Love and Unity,




