Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel





Aeon of Truth and Justice.


3 May 1948



To my Two Male Witnesses Handel and Yorke.


Fellow Stars,


My wife tells me that my daughter told her over the 'phone that Box 365 contains for me one letter from Yorke and three from Handel! In an hour or so I shall receive them. They may be pretty solemn stuff. Meanwhile, this is after all the Merry Month of May—and the Tree is supposed to bear twelve manner of fruits monthly. Hope it does! Anyway, I will get a few things off my chest before your letters come along and need answering.


I've a shrewd idea that this new Aeon of Ma is to be marked more by Comedy than Tragedy—a sort of mixture of Wisdom and Folly, it never being very clear which is which. Man is a risible animal. The world certainly needs a renewal of the spirit of laughter. But we must learn to laugh together rather than at one another.


Now I don't know how you feel about things, but personally I should be glad to feel that the time had arrived for us to enter with zest into this new Manifestation in a cheerful and even humorous spirit. Liber Legis does suggest a lot of feasting—but in these days, "wines that foam" are rather a luxury item—for me at any rate; although we do make some good malt home-brew. Now I've this to tell you.


Those three simple rituals of Opening and Closing of which I've several times made mention have a peculiar characteristic. One finds it difficult to tell whether some of the most serious parts are a joke or not. They have a distinctly peculiar quality. But when they are rightly used they are quite impressive. I think that "flavour" will be characteristic of any new activities which may arise in the New Aeon. It's time we had a change. In fact I really think we shall have a lot of fun laughing or crying at the Cosmic Joke. That is, those will, who are of the new Spirit.


Now in one sense it was quite a joke that the old man (A.C.) having got one magical son to form IHV of his Tetragrammaton, spent so much time trying to get more and more sons when what was needed was a daughter for the final Hé. Also the collection of "Sons" were badly "Had" when the aeon of Horus suddenly changed to that of Ma without any warning, and it appeared that on earth some kind of Daughter should be found to fill the new office. Mark my words: there's already signs of competition among would-be daughters. One of 'em wrote yesterday kind of indicating that the prophesy of Anna Kingsford is coming true—this, indeed, is to be the age of Woman. So she thinks!


My dear, disappointed and disillusioned male fellow-sufferers: Let 'em think it! By all means let 'em think it! But for our own comfort let us secretly remember that we have it on the best authority that there never was a female adept yet—despite the Golden Dawn story about Fraulein S. [Anna Sprengel].


If things go as they should there will in time arise an enthusiastic bevy of maidens—Daughters of the New Aeon—who are willing and ready to run our lives for us on the principles of Truth and Justice. Good, say I. The women are always good workers when they get a bit of encouragement.


However, we shall in time devise Rituals of the Mysteries which I hope will be of co-educational nature. These, with suitable lectures, perhaps, should explain something of the nature of the previous Aeons and of that of Horus, until we come to the Manifestation of the Aeon of Ma—the mysterious Daughter.


It will have to be shown that we males have had decidedly the worst of it, and that the expectant daughters are now will in the running as world-rulers. It will then be shown them that there is only one thing they must first find and get rid of in order to have the field for themselves. What is that, you may well ask? Hush, brothers, and please hide this letter away somewhere till we've had time to work things out properly—The thing about the New Aeon is to solve its riddle; we must all alike seek for the new kind of Daughter MA—the Male Virgin. If we find that it'll be quite "somethin" won't it? It'll be much more fun than looking for the lost Word. And the girls will certainly help us. But first they should feel themselves firmly established in the field as "The Whole Cheese" which they've always felt they were.


What Ho! Conspirators! What Ho!




P.S. I do not feel that Saturnus' [Karl Germer] sense of humour would enable him to bear this at this time. Of course I may be wrong, but am waiting to hear from him still on the more serious aspects.


P.P.S. There was a kind of May 1 password.

     "The Age of Consent"


May I?


IU   MA! (I think MA should be pronounced "May" to denote daughter rather than mother.)


