Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel






5 May 1948






Dear Yorke and Handel,


I've a bit more time to spare this afternoon and perhaps it may well be used in writing you in a somewhat lighter vein. I've dumped so much on your patient shoulders that a little more may not hurt you. In fact is may help to straighten things out a bit.


It seems to me that things are working out for all of us in quite unexpected fashion—which at first is rather confusing. Let us see whether that very fact is not a key to the situation which, once glimpsed and at least partially understood, may well help towards proper equilibrium.


Not alone the prophecies of Liber Legis, but of Christian and other Scriptures, seem suddenly to be working out with startling accuracy, but in a quite unexpectedly reverse and humorous sense. There may be only very few of us who have so far been permitted to witness these things or know anything about them, and yet they have a not merely personal, or even magical, but world-wide implication. It's not alone a sort of gamble in regard to human events and persons, but implies the transformation of Time and Space and Motion, the Atoms, etc. Also it does not take me to tell you that on this planet it is obvious that we are living in an age of potential abundance, while the best thing the powers that be see to do about it is to start another war to get rid of it, rather than let the common man benefit by the fruits of Science. Anything I may say, then, will be no more crazy than that—I hope.


Let's take a few of the strange combinations which mark this present "mix-up" as seen in the light of the new Aeon. The Hindus may have been right in calling things the Play of Shiva—or the sport of the Gods. The Qabalists were wrong in affirming the Void as the Source and omitting the Plenum. The orthodox Jews were right in affirming the One God, but wrong in rejecting the Qabalists, for it needs the Qabalah to prove it. They were wrong in rejecting Jesus as the promised Messiah. But the Catholics were wrong in rejecting the Jewish Rock Jehovah in preference for Peter. The Roman Communion was right in regard to the Mystery of the Trinity in the Plenum; and the Greek Church wrong in its formula. The Christian Church seems entirely to have misunderstood the mission and teachings of Jesus, and has set up an outer institution quite other than he seemed to advocate. It is built on a sandy foundation, yet has endured for a long time. Jesus said to his disciples: "Make unto yourselves friends of the mammon of iniquity, that when ye fail they will receive you into their houses". They make friends with mammon, alright, but do not remember that he foretold their failure.


Godless science discovers Evolution; the Church is about to define—make part of the Deposit of Faith for all time, ex cathedra—the nature of the Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. See from previous correspondence what that may turn out to be. Jesus indicated his second coming as like a "Thief in the Night", the day and the hour no man knoweth. On April Fool's Day a "crazy" joke was issued long ago at the probably "day and hour", but it was at the Feast of Mary Magdalene not the Virgin.


A.C. proclaimed himself as the Beast and Anti-Christ throughout most of his life, and became—according to the Press with millions of readers—"The Wickedest Man in the World". The Catholics take no notice. Now, in their own press, they suddenly say they have had a private revelation, of which, however, the Church takes some cognizance, that the Anti-Christ has been born in Jerusalem and is due to "do his stuff" from 1952-1955. They expect it to cause a great apostasy or religious deflection, and bring about a schism in the Church, but that be special act of God he will be vanquished, and his fall will be the sign of the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the world. (That's very unusual stuff for Catholic papers to print.) But, possibly, what a Do Miss Day.


To come closer home, Liber Legis is true, but it tended to fool A.C. A.C. shouts A ka dua—I adore the might of Thy breath—and dies of asthma. Achad, who gets the "reward" of R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] the Hawk Headed—hawks and spits to beat the band. (If not on crapulous creeds.) The candidate representing the "Lamb" looks like an old goat without a beard. (And, by the way, since that letter mentioning the "fall" of the Great Equinox as equivalent to "lamb" being "born again from above" in traditional fashion, the daily paper has come out with a picture of a "Lucky Survivor of an Oklahoma train wreck which killed several hundred head of livestock was this sheep. Other sheep in this smashed cattle car were killed, but the spared creature wriggled out wagging its tail. Thirty-one cars piled up in the wreck. Firemen spent most of the day putting out fires which broke out in 11 cars loaded with sulphur (AP Wirephoto)". (Glad it could still wag its tail—say I. It's a cute picture—wish I had one to send you.) (By the way, Yorke please note. That copy of "Time" magazine was number 13 of Vol LI. The article was on page 13 and it did mention MAY Dingerson, the old dear who had her pants blown off, or whatever it was.)


Now all this seems to indicate that this is the working out of the Crowley side of the picture, which people have not expected. Perhaps Jesus was a friend of publicans and sinners. Perhaps he dislikes the money-changers at the door of the Temple as much as he ever did. Perhaps they are in for a jolt. And wouldn't they like to be able to pin it onto an anti-christ.


The above thoughts I personally find very cheering and enlightening. We are in an age of paradox. Let us accept it. We need to look at both sides of the shield. We need to try to understand the other fellow's view as well as our own, as complementary. When we do we shall also see the humorous side, and that there was nothing to be afraid of in being sympathetic instead of hostile. It'll likely take a long time for things to manifest on a wide scale. There are those still very much in the Old Aeon (or Aeons); there are some who know a bit about the New one of R.H.K., and fewer still who realize that the latest, that of Ma, will cause them to have to go back and make up for what they missed in the earlier phases. That may annoy some, but there you are!


Once we get rid of fear, which is failure, things begin to go much better. Let's keep our sense of humour at all costs. The fun is only just beginning.


Yours in Love and Unity,




