Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to John P. Kowal






7 May 1948



Care Frater Sapienta,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Yours of May 2 to hand. The scriptures say "Call no man your master". Also please don't introduce "Grades"—which probably don't exist any more, anyway. Liber 31 clearly states preference for Malkuth—the Kingdom. Let's get down to earth and act like men and women in a normal manner.


Thisarb is in The Equinox Vol. I No. 7.


The Comment was intended to indicate the ways and means of finding true Will and Purpose.


Don't want to write much about AZ. May have a chance to tell you privately sometime.


Am rushed still. New revelations come every day and have to be recorded. There is quite a mass of evidence by now. Very wonderful. But it is not possible to transmit to all, or time to make extra copies of special items yet.


Thanks for Alms. Very helpful.


Sorry may have to keep Small and several others waiting. Cannot do everything at once alone.


In Love and Unity.


