Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke, Albert H. Handel & Karl Germer
Aeon of Truth and Justice
11 May 1948
Dear Yorke, Handel and Germer,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Another very important item relative to Time has become clear today. It seems to clear up the mysterious time-lag which I have mentioned to two of you in other letters. But it does so in quite an unexpected sense.
After himself accepting the Law of Thelema, Therion began dating his publications and letters as from the time of the Equinox of the Gods instead of the usual E.V.; thus The Equinox Volume I No. 1 bore the date: An. C, Sol in Aries, and Volume III, No. 1 An. XV Sol in Aries.
But his more recent publications showed that he had changed his plan of dating, in a manner which he never explained to me; although he doubtless did so to Saturnus [Karl Germer] and others. For my part, I never troubled to work out just what the change was.
Today, however, in looking at something dated just at the time of the change, I noticed that it occurred in 1926 E.V., viz: that having run the course of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in years, Therion showed a large "I" for the 22-year period and began numbering the years again with a small "i" and so on. (I have just checked this by a publication of 1938 which is dated An.Ixii—which is correct.)
Note, now, that the "division hither homeward" between myself and Therion, according to Liber Legis, began on signing "Mutual Agreement" in 1926. That is, exactly at the end of the period "I" and the beginning of the new dating system.
Now note that April 8, 1948, the 44th anniversary of the writing of Liber Legis on which was issued the "Testimony of the Stone of Precious Water", to the incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice which took place on April 2nd 1948, is the exact date of the beginning of the 2nd 22-year period, when the dating was due to change again and become II and so on. But the "fall of the Great Equinox" had occurred 6 days prior. Therefore, in correcting this, we got rid of the time-lag, and things immediately worked with exact precision.
Yours in Love and Unity,