Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Karl Germer






14 May 1948



Care Frater Saturnus,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I feel deeply impressed to write you this one further letter; although I have put it off several times.


I hope all is well with you since your return to New York—if you have yet returned, for you indicated that you would do so about April 30th and I have not heard from you as might have been expected. Nor have you kept your promise to me about the Will. That is your affair.


You opened up this correspondence by a business letter; I, on the same day, gave you some unsolicited information which, because in regard to an unexpected event, I thought it my duty to send you. You may not have realized the true reason. Thereafter I supplied certain further information as received. I also did my best to answer your correspondence clearly. There are things which need to be settled, apart from the new manifestation. But I cannot delay indefinitely.


You will find my reason for mentioning the new "word" and "change of formula" if you will read Therion's One Star in Sight. Not knowing your Grade, but knowing that you have been given some "authority", I thought it only fair to tell you what had happened. If you have nothing further to say, do or ask, I shall deem this correspondence closed and consider myself relieved of any further magical or karmic responsibility on your behalf or on that of any followers that you may have.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in Unity and Love,




