Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
16 May 1948
To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel.
Fellow Stars,
This is the traditional Day of Pentecost Sunday—and we may pray that the Holy Spirit is with us and will bring us into all Truth.
It is significant that after some two thousand years, the People of Israel have two days ago proclaimed a State of their own in Palestine, with a government of 13, and that this has already obtained recognition by the U.S.A. and some other Nations. This looks like the turning point in another long cycle. Also it is to be noted that Israel is fighting with the Egyptians.
Recently there have been other significant changes: (1) On the part of Russia; (2) Yesterday the New York Stock exchange did a volume of business not known since 1929. We must note these things as possible signs of the beginning of new currents in world affairs.
Two other minor considerations have been noted. (1) One does not often mention of Star Sapphires in the papers, but yesterday there was news that Star Sapphires worth thousands had been used as doorsteps by Harry Spencer of Ruby Vale, a mining centre in Queensland. He is more careful of them now since he sold one of the 1156 carats to some man, who afterwards valued it at $28,000 dollars. Spencer still has one of 2000 c. This is interesting because as soon as "Diamond Council" was formed in 1933 the big diamond mines opened up again after 20 years of inactivity. Since then the world is more or less on a diamond standard—as is easily observed. (2) A girl in China is reported to have lived with cattle for nine years on a diet of water. The newspaper said public health director of Chungking has confirmed the report. The girl was said to have suffered no ill effects. "When she sleeps her face is covered by a crimson glow of exceeding beauty", the newspaper said. This is interesting because there was that young woman (I forget her name) who lived chiefly on the wafer of the Sacrament for a long time. Revelation does mention taking of the water of life freely. I have never heard of an exclusive water diet before—but it would certainly be an economical one during times of financial depression if the "Golden Calf" system gets out of hand. (Perhaps we should get up an expedition to seek for this beauteous maiden among the cattle—what do you say?)
Turning now to other aspects. I am ever so anxious to get some of the complications into which we have been plunged settled up. But the further we go the more complicated the situation seems to be. I try to put off writing any more about it, but it seems that if I do not record certain things when they occur to me, they simply recur until I have done something about them. I don't want to "go on strike" as A.C. once did; but it does seem almost more than one man can handle at times. However . . . here are one or two notes:
It is becoming more and more apparent that unless things are put in chronological order we shall not be able to rightly evaluate them. That is to say, on one plane, it is not merely a question of writing up the details of A.C.'s magical workings from his records, or of my experiences from mine—on which a great deal of work needs to be done—but of carefully comparing the two as to dates of events. Thus, for example, it has to be clearly understood that when I crossed the abyss at the Summer Solstice of 1916, and thereafter was recognized by A.C. as the "child" of Liber Legis I.55, there was no magical "Curse" on the A∴A∴ system, so far as A.C. is concerned. Very shortly after however, A.C. devised the Ritual and took the Curse of the Grade of Magus upon him. Thereafter, at the Winter Solstice of 1917—quite unexpectedly, my Initiation started up again, and I obtain the Key to Liber Legis as outlined in Liber 31. But this Initiation was at a period "under the Curse"—and "as Parzival" I was probably affected by it in the form of astral ordeal, not at all present in the previous Initiation. In other words, then fulfilled Liber Legis III.47 and the first stage of Fool, III.63—still, however, as one who had jumped from Yesod to Dinah by an unusual method. Liber Legis does not mention this as one of the true Ordeals—only as a preliminary. But, be it noticed, it is all provided for in Liber Legis—not merely something which arose as a result of A.C.'s actions—for he, also, had been drawn into the Magical Current of the New Aeon—willy nilly—since 1904, before we ever met. This is what makes it so hard to explain events as any sort of personal psychological "pipe-dream". It is beyond all human reason and calculation—yet it seems now gradually to be clearing up and becoming more clear and understandable. But only since this New Current of April 2, this year.
I should like here to remark another point which has not been recorded, but several times has come to mind.
The Wizard Amalantrah, through Achitha [Roddie Minor], and in the presence of A.C. in New York, gave me my 7º=4o Name—Arctaeon—in 1918 at New York [during the Amalantrah Working]. Therefore, when I did come up against the Four Great Ordeals of Liber Legis (1932-1945), I must have faced them and the Abyss as an Exempt Adept, with full penalties for failure upon me, and also under the Curse of Magus as a representative of Isa. This I am glad I did not realize at the time (for I might have been afraid and failed), but I am also now more grateful to the Universal Lord that I was allowed so many years of preparation and as it were rehearsal before even the first of these came along in 1932. Otherwise, where might I have been? I am now utterly convinced of the action of Divine Providence in the whole affair—not alone on my account, of course, but on that of A.C. and others immediately involved, and of the race and world in general. In fact, I had learned to trust in Providence well before the first of the big ordeals took place. But this I learned in an Order other than the A∴A∴ as represented by A.C.
Now to turn to something else. Another complication. Hope you will be able to follow my thought. The matter is not fully clear as yet.
The Aeon of Truth and Justice, which is recorded as Incoming on April 2, 1948 at 1.11 P.M. and is symbolized by the Thirteen-fold Diamond of Manifestation with the Number 438—The Perfect Stone—therein, is not precisely the same as the Aeon of MA (or MA-ION) which was first mentioned, as such, in document written April 14, at 1.06 P.M.—now to be symbolized by Star Sapphire, with Number 403 therein—and certain other details which you will see on new notepaper, which should be ready tomorrow. I think these represent the coalescence of a Greater and Lesser Cycle. Probably the Greater One has to do with the fall, or birth, of the Great Equinox—which leads to the ultimate Manifestation of Perfection; and the Lesser One—that of Ma, as the Daughter—is the continuation and other half, as it were, of the Aeon of Horus, the Son. (The 2,000 year turning point of Cycle of ISRAEL which came along just one month after April 14, viz: May 14, may have something to do with wider Cycle—for A.C. mentions a 2,000 year cycle in his comment on Liber Legis—although in earlier ones he says an "Aeon" might be any length of time; 100 or 10,000 years, there was no saying, because "time" varied on other planes. I mention the Hebrew Cycle because of its clear connection with 13 and their new Government. Of course this is equally true of Jesus and 12 Disciples in previous Aeon. On this later point, by the way, be it noted that Jesus did not pronounce a vibratory Word—although Moses DID—any more than A.C. did. When Jesus was asked "What is Truth", he remained Silent. You will perhaps begin to see the importance of a New Word, in above sense, if such now exists, for it may in that case replace that of Moses who, as 345, corresponds to "Hoor"—Lord Initiating—as shown in earlier document.)
Considerations such as above will show you how complex this problem of trying truthfully to record really is.
To continue about the two Cycles. The Larger one, which manifested first has to do with Perfection. Liber Legis says: The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect—nay, are none. (So it provides for that also.) Now PERFECT-ION (438) appears in connection with opening statement made on April 2. at 1.11 P.M.: PRAISE BE TO GOD THE PLENUM OF ALL PERFECTION—or PERFECT-ION. This again reappeared at the beginning of the document of April 14, re. Aeon of Ma, or OF ALL PERFECTION—which is the full formula.
Now the Great Cycle of Perfection represents the "Tree" as having folded up into a Single Perfect Sphere—with no Grades or Paths—a truly Concentric System which is for the future to Manifest.
The Aeon of Ma, or MA-ION is, however, that of M.A.A.T. which is to say, of a Master of the Temple of A∴A∴ (as mentioned in The Equinox), but, however, an M.[agister] T.[empli] not in silence and darkness but rather able both to Understand and Speak openly in the Light. (This had to do with the Covenant of ST, or Set, proclaimed by A.C.—and is a mystery.) You will see, therefore, that in this Lesser aspect of the Aeon, Grades and Sephiroth and the Tree are still taken into account. We have certain Neophytes in Malkuth and others, doubtless in some lower Grades such as Yesod, etc. (Goodness knows where Saturnus [Karl Germer] is supposed to be) and we have still alive an M.T. who was proclaimed as such by Therion himself, known as 777. Therefore, in dealing, on Sapphire notepaper, with matters connected with MA-ION, letters will be signed "One whose Number is 777" and come officially from Grade of M.T. Letters sent out on Diamond Paper, as formerly, will be signed "Achad" or in some manner recognizable, but not as representing any particular Grade of any Order. The new notepaper will indicate more clearly the Egyptian character and Liber Legis connection, than does the paper headed "Aeon of Truth and Justice"—which is quite general and impersonal—as likewise is the mystery of the symbol displayed thereon. (One might use such paper, for instance, in addressing a University Chancellor, whereas the new Sapphire paper—as you will later see—is not at all suitable for such a purpose. Nevertheless, the symbolism of the new paper is very perfect; for its special purpose.)
I tell you these things now, in such detail, so as if possible to avoid confusion in your minds, and questions about it such as: What has happened now? etc. But these details are not for others, to whom they would be of little or no importance.
Next I want to say a few words about the three Chapters of Liber Legis, and give my tentative interpretation of how they are working out in the New Aeon (or Aeons).
The recent discovery that the word MANIFESTATION in Chapter One of Liber Legis gave sanction to the "Word" and formula of 1926 of Nuit Herself, suddenly changed the whole tenor of my life and threw everything into fresh channels; this has doubtless to some extent had the same effect on both of yours, and doubtless on Germer's as well—to say nothing of wider implications. It has certainly linked the three of us together in an entirely unforeseen and unexpected manner.
I have now discovered that Chapter II of Liber Legis confirms all this, and gives it the sanction of Hadit, just as clearly, if not more so, as in the case of Nuit in Ch.I. That is, doubtless, because this is MA-ION as representing both Nuit and Hadit in their true relationship as Matter and Energy. I will not touch further on this point here. By now I feel sure that you will take my word for the fact.
Chapter III is now due for consideration. In one sense this has worked out; viz: the Fool has passed the Ordeals and obtained the Success mentioned in v.66, together with the reward—ABRAHADABRA, the Word of the Aeon of Horus. But that, as it were, is the working-out of the process of Initiation of the Candidate (Isa-Asar) with Hoor Initiating. A semi-personal affair, although with larger implications. Just as the Beast was both personal and of larger import in world-mystery.
Ra-Hoor-Khuit says at beginning of Chapter III:
1. Abrahadabra; the reward of Ra Hoor Khuit.
2. There is division hither homeward; there is a word not known. Spelling is defunct; all is not aught. Beware! Hold! Raise the spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
3. now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them.
In regard to verse 3. Perhaps the word "War" referred to the First World War, and "Vengeance" more to the Second. Perhaps R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] only had to do with the Second—which, however, was more or less a continuation of the first. But one point we should notice. He says, Ch. III v.46: "I am the warrior Lord of the Forties . . ." This clearly refers to 2nd War, although neither A.C. nor others could have known it at the time even of war 1914-1918. It also, I think, indicates Atomic Bomb, rather than Tanks or Planes as special weapon. But R.H.K. does not say also of Fifties—although he does mention Eighties in a mysterious fashion we will not now speculate upon. Therefore, while we are still in the Forties there may be further trouble—we hope not—beyond that decade.
The next point is verse 2. "There is division hither homeward; there is a word not known." This has worked out exactly as in reference to the Beast and Achad and the Word in the special magical sense.
The personal aspect of disunion might possibly continue as between Saturnus and myself, under aspect: As brothers fight ye. This owing to A.C.'s peculiar will and the peculiar temperament of Saturnus. However, that is as may be,
The wider implication is, however, the important one.
It is evident that world affairs have undergone a complete change during the last couple of years. Then, just after the War, there was talk of the Four Freedoms, and Wilkie came along with his One World. Since then has come division (hither homeward?) into Two Worlds; and not alone that, but division in one country after another: India split, Greece split, China split; Italy with differences between North and South becoming apparent; Germany split (even Berlin split). Palestine split, and so on. There is no doubt of the Division working out on a world scale in MANIFESTATION at this present time. (Also there is possibly a Word not known, in the sense of a living representative of the Logos—as Therion was formerly supposed to be, and doubtless was, although, in the magical sense, a Not Talking, or Silent One.)
In my opinion, then, this represents the action no longer of Vengeance but of Justice and Punishment which is the vindication of Justice, and this is still manifesting in the outer world, because that is in process of coming to a wider Perfection in the Large Cycle. We must not expect, then, everything to clear up in a sudden miracle. Our own lives need perfecting, and the race needs it, and it is in the proper process of Perfectioning—which includes the elimination of waste material from the body politic. Also, during this process it is evidently planned that the Word shall be unknown.
I think, then, that certain aspects of Chapter III may repeat themselves to some extent, but as under the sway of Hrumachis (which seems to correspond to the Holy Spirit of Truth and Justice—and this is the Day of Pentecost) rather than of Ra-Hoor-Khuit—the God of War and Vengeance.
Just how the word HRUMACHIS is to be interpreted is a question. You will see it contains MA in its midst. It may be a complicated formula of the Larger Cycle. For instance: HRU—Horus of that Aeon—plus MA of present lesser one, plus CH, for Christ of earlier one, brought into and linked through Initiation of Isa, and IS for Isis who is all of Nature and who says: I am all that Is and Was and Shall be, and no mortal hath lifted my veil. That is the Virgin aspect. For Isis is mysteriously connected with Nuit in Liber Legis. For there Nuit says, Ch. I v.22: "Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at lat he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof" etc.: ISIS—she indicates the secret name immediately after, for only poetically can she be said to be Infinite Space, or Infinite Stars, since both space and the number of stars must be finite, and the Infinite cannot in any sense be plural. (That is, the true Plenum cannot.)
This, for the moment, is little more than speculation, although there must be a distinction between the Aeon of MA and that of HRUMACHIS, and I do think that difference is between the Larger and Lesser Cycles both coming into Manifestation at practically the same time with the time-lag probably eliminated in some mysterious manner.
Now, dear Fellow Stars, you will have had enough for today. You will see that I am struggling with matters which are full of complication—for there is my usual work piling up, all kinds of sorting and filing to be done, records to be written, and goodness knows what besides; and still, as these new aspects appear they should be put on record—I feel—at least with you two good Witnesses; for truly, there seems to be no suitable audience or persons to whom there is any need to mention these matters at all. If you'd only tell me to "Go to hell—we're busy", perhaps I should be able to shut up.
Yours in Love and Unity.
P.S. Please tell me: Is all this I'm trying to say becoming fairly comprehensible to you on the plane of ordinary intelligence? That is, of course, in view of the whole correspondence which has gone before. Please put all letters in order and, when you have time, try to get a sort of bird's eye view of the process which has developed during the last two months. This includes some hesitant, disjointed letters at the start, with, I hope, much more certainty and clarity of diction as they proceed—though not in this case.