Correspondence from to Karl Germer to Charles Stansfeld Jones
18 May 1948
Care Frater Achad,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your numerous letters and communications arrived in the course of recent weeks. I did no longer write because once I saw your magical and spiritual position clearly, I considered it wiser to discontinue and to discourage further correspondence. Your last letter, however, urging a response from me, induces me to give you a brief analysis of your tragic case for your enlightenment. I know several similar ones, so am judging from experience.
The Book of the Law, issued as it is from planes far transcending any that can be called rational or intellectual, is the most potent, almost explosive danger for anybody trying to interpret any of its verses from those planes. If they do, it will corrode the very core of their soul. Aleister Crowley himself failed to understand this for many years. With his powerful intellect he grappled with the book and tried to force certain verses to open up their meaning to him. Up to a time he was in the habit to discuss verses freely and speculate on them. He even imparted the meaning which he assigned to a given verse at a given time to those closely associated with him.
He was punished by hard and cruel blows, time and again, until, after agonies of suffering, and some particularly acute cases (among them your own), he was given the "Comment" in 1925. It changed his life and outlook. He learned his lesson the hard way—but he learned it. Ta Hoor Khuit is the God of Silence and Strength. Who disregards this, and be it only from ignorance to understand his nature, will be visited by his "direful judgments".
You matured in what I call the "pre-Comment" phase. By a burst of flaming and pure aspiration, you succeeded in penetrating a few of the veils that guard and hide the secrets. I, personally, am convinced that in the early days your flame was pure enough to allow you to find (a small fraction of) the key to The Book of the Law. But you did not keep it pure. You failed to follow certain advice given you by your magical father who knew your danger, and was eager to preserve you from falling into some of the all too obvious traps and pitfalls. You even became a victim of the "Demon Crowley".
Anyway, you deviated from the straight line that leads upwards; your inspiration became impure; your past (and present) inexperience did (and does) not permit you to distinguish between different kinds and characters of illumination; you accepted the influx of the sweet (oh! so sweet!) but sinister and pernicious illumination, inspired not by the H.[oly] G.[uardian] A.[ngel], but his demonic shadow. You yielded. You fell.
All your letters and communications of the past two months show that you have not learned the lesson for which the COMMENT was given. You keep on discussing and speculating to an with others, and yourself, on meanings of verses of The Book of the Law. We see what comes of it: you get new "illuminations", new "light", a "New Aeon". You even dethrone Ra Hoor Khuit!
The source is clear to the initiate: your demon will lead you to his planned and awful goal, unless you pull yourself together.
Love is the law, love under will.