Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
24 May 1948 Evening.
Dear Yorke and Handel,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Here's another interesting point from a psychological or scientific point of view. The Qabalists of old said: God created everything by Number, Writing and Speech. The full importance of this may have been overlooked. A.C. knew something of the thrill of Numbers working out after, perhaps, long effort and search and experiment. But this New Current seems to have produced in my quite a new type of consciousness. In the course of ordinary thought I get to a point which seems like a "good idea", or I have a "hunch" (such as adding up "Clerkship"), or am suddenly caused to record a certain "time", and immediately thereafter, as soon as I look up the Sepher Sephiroth, the most accurate proof is given by Numerical Correspondence. This happens again and again and again.
To try and reproduce in you a fraction of this "thrill" try this! One might have thought that the 13—31 series was exhausted. But no, yesterday I had another "notion". What about the SUM of the numbers from 13 to 31? Just try it for yourselves . . .
The question is: By what kind of method or series of Initiations can this new type of consciousness be produced in others, so as to give keys to their own lives and wills, in relation to world-events? It is quite worth having. Have you ever heard of it before.
Yours in Love and Unity,