Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






26 May 1948



Dear Yorke,


I've just included in a letter to Handel [Albert H. Handel] a paragraph to the following effect:


I was thinking last night and this morning of a fair way of terminating this "Witness" business and getting into some more companionable relationship if you and Yorke accept my recent offer. The result is enclosed. I think that you will not be committing yourselves in any way to the magical or mystical or mythological implications of our correspondence if you give me this "bill of health" as Chancellor of AA—for my name will not be allowed to be used as such on any publications S.[aturnus] [Karl Germer] may put out. But it was so used by A.C., as his official publications show. I am sending one of these statements to both you and Yorke. After you have checked up my figures to your own satisfaction, will you kindly sign them and return them to me. Then that aspect will be justly cleared up. Thanks for the co-operation so far. You can then store the records for a year or so, if you don't mind. Time will show.


This of course in no way prevents me from telling my own people that in my opinion we have entered a new Aeon. There would be no object in giving others a lot of details. They will not think of asking for them.


I hope this seems fair and right to you.


Yours in Love and Unity,




