Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer





27 May 1948



Dear Germer,


Your 23/ [&] 24/5/48. I enclose copy of the Constitution [Constitution of the Order of Thelemites] with many apologies, as I thought I had sent it to you months ago. I also enclose copy of a ritual of self-initiation based on the formula of a Neophyte. I believe this to be part or all of Liber DCLXXI or Liber Pyramidos. It does not survive amongst A.C.'s papers, but I found it amongst a few papers of mine in the country. Have you a copy of Liber Colleggi Sancti (sub figura CLXXV), being the tasks of the grades and their oaths? If not I will send you one. A.C. had not a copy.


I had to buy Kerman's [Isidore Kerman] MSS more or less at his price owing to an oath I took to preserve this material when I collected it from Naples for the old sinner in about 1929.


Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] is wavering about sending me the diaries which he has for me to copy, on the grounds of their being so confidential. I am however confident in getting them from him for this purpose. Should he not send them, I would recommend your taking him to law over the matter. I have copies of the correspondence dealing with the committee in 1924 and 1925 on this very subject, and if it comes to a law suit I will send them to you. They formed part of the first small collection of Crowleyana which I have bought.


Personally I think Achad is being honest. He had this carton of material hidden away in an old trunk, and had forgotten it. The moment he found it, he wrote to you and to me to say that he had found it, and what it was. His second thoughts were that he was not sure that he was justified in showing it to other people. I hope to wean him from this second thought. If he were at root dishonest about this, he would never have revealed the fact that he had found this material. Time will show.


We are still waiting for the Magic Circle to give us access to their material.


I am not in touch and shall not get in touch with Handel [Albert H. Handel]. I shall continue my voluminous correspondence with Achad until I have had from him the MS of Qoph Nia [Liber Qoph Nia vel Nomen Dei] and the diaries to coy, or until I decide that I do not think I can get them from him.


No hurry about cash. I look forward to meeting Robert Cecil. I have come across a young probationer AA  [Kenneth Grant] who is also IX°, has all the typescripts barring VI°, is married and his wife [Steffi Grant] also knows it all. They are young and most enthusiastic. Do I put them in touch with Garner [Gerald Gardner]? Rather tricky as he only has IV° or . They are anxious to put over the Gnostic Mass. Have you a qualified Neophyte to take them over? They are both earnest and for their age extremely knowledgeable. I can use them to copy Achad's diaries when they come. I am lunching with another man who wants information on AA and O.T.O. today. Whom do I tell similar earnest seekers to contact? I can put my personal knowledge at their disposal, but that is not the same thing as their joining AA or O.T.O.




Gerald Yorke.


