Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel









28 May 1948



To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel.


Fellow Stars,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Referring to my letter of May 12th, page 2, where Achad's personal given names are shown to have contained some special significance; it is interesting to note the following:


One aspect of this strange event which has recently occurred seems to be the fulfilment of a Covenant—as indicated by correspondence of numeration of Manifestation (257) with Psalm XXV.14. One of the Commandments under that covenant was: "Honour thy father and mother that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee". It is strange, therefore, that the names of the physical parents of Achad should be on the mother's side have been Marshall and on the father's Iones: for it will be seen that the same symbolism is also apparent in them, thus: Marshall-Iones, Ma-Ion, and in precisely the same order of the letters of the "Word" as occurs in Manifestation. This may indicate some justification for those systems which advocate the veneration of ancestors.


 (Marshall Motto: Humaniter et Fideliter.


Marshall Crest: Arrow descending through Crown.


Stansfeld Motto: Gnothi Seautin.)


Another point I might mention here. It seems to me that in all these recent events, the part played by Achad has been in the nature of Recorder. (Although, in sending the records to you, much explanation of Names and Grades and past achievements was necessary.) Therefore, I think it will avoid a lot of confusion in a matter of such complication as we have to deal with if that fact be made the central one, under two aspects: (1) Achad recorded as Chancellor of the AA—thus merely doing his duty; (2) he may be considered magically as having assumed the office of Thoth or Hermes or Mercury, and may therefore be identified with the ION (Hermes) of MA-ION for the sake of convenience in your minds. The office of Hermes is that of Recorder of Aeons, etc. This will avoid discussion of all the Horus, Crowned Child, and similar complications.


In any event I seem to keep on recording.


Yours in Unity and Love,


Achad—or should it be Ion-es.


