Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones






29 May 1948



Dear Jones,


Your 12/5/48.


Page 4. I am sure that there is no evidence that "Therion finally called on all the Demon Servitors to liquidate" you. His position was much simpler. If, as he—possibly mistaken—maintained, you had not offered the last drop of your blood when you took the Magister Templi oath, then automatically in time said demon servitors would liquidate you.


Logically your second coming, if it be a fact and not a delusion, must date from your first hint to A.C. of an "Ipsissimus" experience somewhere about 1916 or 1917, which antedates your document of 1921. You never passed the details on to A.C., but presumably they survive in your diaries of the time.


Your remark that "between stages of the Great Initiation the memory of the former stages is often almost completely wiped out", is one of the main reasons why I am so anxious to be allowed to copy those diaries of A.C.'s which have so fortunately survived in your keeping. It is impossible to follow clearly, or to assess accurately, A.C.'s development without this material. Its proper assessment historically has an important bearing on all your work. Hence my continual harping on the point.


Your document AUM, which is most interesting, did not survive among A.C.'s papers. His reactions to it, which you have, would interest me, but it is not all that important. I expect he disliked the didactic tone as regards himself, and that he objected to a second 'prophet' during his lifetime.


I would like to know who was that "most enlightened hidden man" in 1877, but I do not suppose you will tell me. I am prepared to bet that he had Theosophical connections.


The whole trouble is that historically there have been legions of false Messiahs and second comings. Time will, as ever, prove the event one way or the other.




