Statement by Charles Stansfeld Jones






30 May 1948





L.L. [Liber Legis] II.76


76 = 13 = Achad also to come and go.


4.6.3. — DOG, then 8 = ChiTh, 418 — Parzival. (Dog following Fool — Tarot.)


A — Achad; AB — Father; K — Hand; 2 + 4 = 6 — Vau — Son at Right Hand of Father, viz: AL (who found Key and gave it to Father) who is GM (Grand Master) or OR (Order); 3 (Three-fold) Y (Rebis — mystery); Rex in O.T.O. and Winner of Ordeal X); 24 — He whom I love — He who loves me; 89 — Silence. RPSTOVAL already interpreted by 666 of whose work Achad is now rightful heir, who dutifully acknowledges his Father's part in the solution of this Mysterious test.


There are 11 figures and 11 letters in Achad's final solution at end of second 22-year period. There were 8 letters in 666's solution. Total 30 — Justice.


There is also a much more elaborate explanation of the Numbers, which was worked out in the early hours of this morning and noted. Also reference should be made to "Dog-Star", page 9, The Lost Light by A. B. Kuhn, Ph.D.


This is enough to show intimate nature of this test. The other Keys and interpretations of Liber Legis had previously been worked out and Change of Aeons proclaimed, before was able to answer this final riddle.


Single copy: "The Man Destined to Succeed".




