Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones






31 May 1948



Dear Jones,


Try as I will I cannot get MANIFESTATION to add up to 257, How do you do it? I agree in Hebrew Qabalah MAION = 107, but no-how can I make FESTATIN = 150. How do you do it? It makes no sense in Greek qabalah.


MAION or MANIO = 171 emanating from (9 x 19 the feminine glyph)


FESTATIN = 732 or 12 x 61, the Negative AIN

903 = 3 x 301, the Lord, the Faithful King


But I cannot get your 150 = NEST and your 257 correspondences out of it. Please elucidate.


You can argue that ALALIA (73) is concealed in Manifestation (438) as 438 is 6 x 73. How do you reconcile Manifestation 438 with Manifestation 257?


