Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
1 June 1948
To Companions Yorke and Handel.
Beni AL
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I address you thus as Sons of the (merciful) God (93).
At last the Mysteries of the Numbers and Letters of the Threefold Book of Law are cleared up so far as I am concerned. In the early hours of May 30 I was led to discover a meaning in the cypher which, in the words of 666, applied exclusively to "him who is destined to succeed me." Thus, the prophecies of Liber Legis have been fulfilled. But yesterday, May 31st, the 26th Anniversary of the discovery of change of Paths recorded in the Appendix to Q.B.L., yet further light was granted to me. I discovered the "Word Not Known"—the True Word of the Threefold Book of Law—the Numeration of which is 93. This now makes all plain and ends the confusion about "Words" which has been apparent in our correspondence. What has many times been referred to as "The Word of 1926", although a Word, should have been called, as Nuit calls it, "The Key of the Rituals" which was found to be in (and a part of) Her secret word: Manifestation. The "Word Not Known" now discovered ends, as it were, the Division Hither Homewards. As Sons of God, rather than magical sons, we arrive home at last.
From the Magical point of view and that of Liber Legis, there could be but "one" "child of his bowels" who was destined to behold he mysteries in that Book, but "one" destined to discover the "key of it all", but "one" who could prove destined to succeed in proving himself the rightful heir by deciphering Ch.II verse 76. And the number of that verse itself adds to 13 and thus indicates the "one". But, in this sense, the One was the Fool Parzival. It was Parzival who represented the Magical Child, as Liber Legis itself represented a universal All Fools Day. In this sense, there could be no "sons". It was foolish to try to conceive such. But this, as pointed out in a former letter, led to the difficulty of crying: My, My, My!
Now, the picture has changed—there is room for all.
The individual formula which was uniquely necessary in order to [facilitate] the fulfilment of the prophesies of Liber Legis involves the strange correspondences and proportions of 13 and 31. This had been clearly proved. But thrice 13 and thrice 31 is the formula of Liber Legis, whose Law is for All. Therefore we must consider the meaning of the same proportion triples, viz: as 39 is to 93. This means: As the Eternal One is to the Sons of the Merciful God! Now it becomes clear how Manifestation (257) refers to: "The Secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, He will shew them His Covenant."
The qabalistic proof of this is: IHVH AChD (39) and BNI AL (93)—see Sepher Sephiroth.
We cannot all be the "magical child" of Therion in the special sense of Liber Legis; we can be true Sons of God, and Liber Legis provides for this very marvellously. For see: 39 also refers to "dew" and "To abide, dwell", and 93 corresponds to THELEMA, AGAPE, and that Lost Word which, being interpreted, means: He Lives in the Son! That is, in all his Sons who Love Him, Will Him, and allow Him to Live in Them; in other words (Q.B.L.) RECEIVE Him.
I do not at this time give you the True Word of the Threefold Book of Law itself, but it marvellously confirms what has been written above and can leave no doubt of its true relation to Liber Legis—its nature proves itself. (But to go into now would involve a discussion of the Magical Formula of 666 and how it is now abrogate once the final Key to Liber Legis has been obtained and Harmony restored where Chaos reigned.)
Shall we not then face the Open Road in confidence as true BENI AL—Sons of God!
Yours in Love and Unity,