Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel










11 June 1948



To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


In my capacity of Recorder I request that you make note of the following:




The "Tree of Life" does indeed seem to bear twelve manner of fruit, monthly. The chief mysteries of Liber Legis having been disposed of, it becomes evident that there is some definite connection with both Hebrew Scriptures and Gospel; as well as with modern science. These are merely brief notes to be developed later.


God Almighty made various Covenants with His people, the first of which was Abraham. This was coincident with circumcision and prior to introduction of any Commandments—which came with later Covenant with Moses. But even before First Covenant, God made a Promise, not to Abraham but to Abram. "Jesus" is reported to have said: "Before Abraham was, I am". God's Promise to Abram (who was before Abraham) was made just after Abram had been specially blessed by Melchisedek—the mysterious Being who sacrificed with Bread and Wine. This Promise had to do with "the child of his bowels". It has, I am convinced, in some mysterious manner been fulfilled at the time of the Homecoming of ISRAEL. It has to do with the "secret" of the Lord, and this promised New Covenant, a Covenant with AL Shadai, rather than with the later Name IHVH or Q.N.A. Being prior to the Commandments (other than those of Agapé)—that is, prior in importance—it takes the form: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law; Love is the law, love under will; The Law is for all.




When Cockroft and Watson smashed the first Atom it was of Hydrogen—the simplest—one proton, one electron. The result, as I remember, was unexpected. It produced something which had 1 proton and 2 electrons—I think Helium. Now the WORD—ALLALA—represents AL (Proton) LA, LA two negative electrons. After that in Germany there was a great smashing of atoms of LEAD—Saturn. Later, or course, came the smashing of unstable complex atom of Uranium, which as remarked in previous letters, probably had a "flaw" in it and lacked true equilibrium. There is also a very definite scientific formula concealed in the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. It cannot be dealt with here. (Am sending Yorke copy of Gambling with the World by slow mail. Typescript, as have no extra copy of magazine. Request he file this with Liber 31.)


Yours in Unity and Love,




