Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
11 June 1948
Dear Germer,
I have found the Yi Sticks [that belonged to Aleister Crowley], and they are now with the other material with John Symonds, and will be included with the papers and typescripts when he sends them. I will also see that the Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer] diagrams are included.
John and I have now seen the collection of Crowleyana which the Magic Circle bought. It is disappointing. A few unimportant letters, one or two typescripts which have since been published, a copy of Liber VII in good condition, ditto Rites of Eleusis. They have however the original of the Manifesto to Man, and a copy of the Manifesto [To Man] as published. I have a copy, and it was published in The Heart of the Master. The only typescript which interested me was a full account of Vision IV, being one of a series of 10 vision by Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] in 1923 in an attempt to solve certain problems in connection with Liber AL. I have a rather shorter account of the whole ten in Alostrael's handwriting, and have copied out the full version of vision 4 into the notebook which contains the whole series. You will get a copy in time, as this was part of the material I got from Kerman [Isidore Kerman].
Do you notice that poor Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] has already changed the word of his aeon from Manifestation to Allala, I think the latter should be in its French variant of O La La! I have not got those diaries out of him yet, but have not given up hope.
Gerald Yorke.