Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






12 June 1948



Dear Yorke,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Don't you see that until you can learn to say that, first to your God and then to all men, including myself, and show in writing that you mean it, you'll be very much hampered. Will you please do me a favour and read Chapter VII of The Egyptian Revival. My interpretation now is very much as it was then. Perhaps on that basis we can agree.


Now to deal with yours of 8/6/48 received last night. Thanks a lot, it's a very good letter. Am shocked at what you tell me about Norman Mudd. There are several points I want to take up. Shall write very plainly according to my best light.


It is up to you to do your own True Will. As one aspect of your will you have undertaken the self-appointed task in regard to the A.C. matters which have arisen since his death. You wrote and asked for my cooperation. I began dealing with you on that line. Then this new "Recording" business broke in. In the process I have had to refer to a mass of material stored away for years. Having done so I have formed a fairly clear picture of certain aspects of the situation. In that light I am now working. I cannot do everything at once, on the physical plane, any more than you can. Will you please allow me to do what I am able, as I am able according to circumstances; rather than just the way you want things done, or think I should do them.


My honest and best advice to you, at present, is: either go ahead and make the very best use of the material you had at A.C.'s death, plus what you have acquired since by purchase, in order to help Symonds [John Symonds] with the Life; or (2) realize that lacking the full facts which are not, and cannot be, immediately available to you, abandon the project until such time, if ever, they are, and until you are quite sure you are able rightly to interpret what is actually before you. This is your responsibility and choice. Please do not try to evaluate my motives either in giving or withholding. For one thing I do not wish to be "forced" into further and further disclosure of the "nakedness" of my magical father, in preference to trying to do constructive Work. Anything further I might say at present would not tend, in my opinion, to help the Life which is being written; and, in any case, being partial, would still only help to paint an untrue picture. You must do the best you can. I shall do the same. If you care to go to the expense of a trip over here, I'll put you up for a couple of weeks on simple fare and should be able to tell you more than can be said in letters. Do not expect me to come to you, nor to send material through the mails against my better judgment.


In regard to Norman Mudd. Since you say this aspect is even now being dealt with in the Life, for his sake I send the original of his "confession" to me by air-mail. I will ask you to have this copies and return the original to me as soon as possible by slow mail. The contents to be used at your discretion. (R.I.P.)


Because by what you say about "row with Tränker [Heinrich Tränker]" it is evident that what I said in my letter was not clear to you, and you are liable, therefore, to make a further muddle if you try to report anything in Life, I will try once more to straighten this out in two ways: (1) It is just as difficult for me to "conceive" that "A.C. and Germer [Karl Germer]" came round to "my point of view" viz: that Germer (then unknown to me) had made a bad translation of A.C.'s work, which had been rushed too soon into print. But that's a minor matter. (2) There is another side to this story. Providence arranged that Schneider [Max Schneider] should make me an extra carbon of certain very important correspondence and an official document of November 1, 1924. These being in my files, I am sending the carbons to you, for retention in your private records and files. This information is not to be used nor given to others. It gives part of the picture before I introduced A.C. to Tränker, and voluntarily set him up as O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order] of O.T.O. (in preference to taking it myself). Tränker in my opinion, is a better man than A.C. ever knew how to be—he is still my friend. A.C. about ruined his movement (although it has survived through all the tragedy of War until now—for T.[ränker] wrote me recently). Germer got any inner knowledge (of which he brags so much) through Tränker, upon whom he turned. The result of A.C.'s visit to Germany may probably have been that Hitler got hold of Liber Legis, Chapter III and adopted the methods in World War II. This is too complicated an international situation for you to "report". I am not sending you the further correspondence and details of A.C.'s "change of attitude" which—and not merely [illegible] some silly "Comment"—"altered his whole life" (for the worse since he got in touch with S.[aturnus—Karl Germer].) But I have enough to reconstruct the situation properly should that ever be necessary. What I AM sending you is sufficient proof that there is another side. It will also show that Providence did not intend me to take that opportunity, but rather to work on in the much more difficult field—alone. This also, for your sake, I send air-mail—otherwise you'll keep fretting and wondering what in hell I'm talking about.


ALLALA is the "Word of the Aeon of Perfection"; MANIFESTATION is the "Word of the MA-ION". Is that clear? If the two Equinoxes coincide, they yet need to be distinguished. One applies more to Sons and Spirit; the other to Daughters and Matter. The Sons of God are ever the true heirs—whatever the Daughters may think of believe.


Won't you please let Achad find out whether he is a "messiah" or not, before asking him to pronounce on the matter.


Yours in Unity and Love,






(1) There have been no claims to be a "Messiah". I claim to be a part of the manifestation of the Infinite Being; not the Infinite Being, nor a part of Such, for the Infinite has no parts. As a part of the manifestation it is equally true that you are a part, Crowley a part, Stalin a part, the animals parts, the trees, rocks, grains and dust, electrons, protons, etc. Also humanity as a whole is a part, and you and I are parts of the human race—that's all.


As a unique part of the manifestation of the Infinite Being I do, however, claim to be the one destined to succeed A.C. as his rightful heir in the sense of Comment D.; and as such, while in no way desiring to possess any of the magical information or types of consciousness or personal goods or effects left by A.C. to others, I do claim to know better than anyone else how to interpret the advice, wisdom, etc. given me by A.C., and how to dispose of any property personally handed to me by A.C. as his magical son. These things I shall deal with, from day to day, in the light of events as they arise considered as direct dealings of God with my soul. So long as anyone appears worthy I deal with him as such; if he shows himself to be otherwise I modify my views and treatment according to my best Light.


(2) Please remember, or rather learn, that all this business about "draining every drop into Cup of Babalon". etc. is entirely a matter of A.C.'s own invention so far as my Oath of M.T. [Magister Templi] is concerned. The Oath of an M.T. of AA is to interpret every event as a direct dealing of God with the soul. This I have tried to do; that is all I set out to do when entering the Abyss in 1916. This is all A.C. ever said should be done. Both A.C. and S. suffer from delusions. Don't fall into the same error.




