Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
12 June 1948
Dear Germer,
Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] has posted me a copy of A.C.'s working with Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges] in Naples. This led to the writing of Book 4 [Part I & Part II]. He does not bind me to secrecy, so that I will have a copy made and will send it to you. I still hope to get the other diaries.
He has also sent me his Liber 151 QNA vel Nomen Dei. This was written in 1936 and sent to A.C. for the latter's approval. Achad writes that A.C. approved it, but I do not remember any references to it in A.C.'s papers. As with Liber 31, Achad will not allow me to show it to anyone. He has had this secrecy complex ever since he took the M.T. [Magister Templi] oath, and it was one of A.C.'s reasons for disowning him.
Gerald Yorke.