Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
20 June 1948
Dear Yorke,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Tomorrow will be the 32nd anniversary of Achad's assumption of Grade of M.T. [Magister Templi]. 32 represents AHIHVH, the coalescence of Macrocosm and Microcosm. Let us hope the process is brought to completion.
Since we are facing the facts, I suppose it is my duty as Recorder to mention anything really significant that has been brought home to my attention—however incredible they might seem or inexplicable they are. Therefore, for your private files, the following should be noted.
In several earlier letters I have mentioned "unusual weather conditions" at critical periods, the latest of which sent you being what occurred while the MS of Liber Legis was travelling in one direction and Liber 31 in the other—viz: what we may call the "May Dingerson" affair as reported in Time.
Later, there was an unwarranted "attack" by Saturnus [Karl Germer] and soon after that, on May 30, in very early hours of the morning, the discovery of key to final cipher L.L. [Liber Legis] II.76 Later same day, utter repudiation of "Satanas" forces. (I don't mean as directed by "Saturnus" but in the larger sense of the great struggle initiated by the Black Brotherhood as against the Divine Powers and the Supreme Being.
Now you may ask: How is it to be known that this cipher was at last cleared up? Achad obviously will not "expound" it at present—for he is giving Saturnus, or any other, a chance to do so. But, all too terribly, Nature herself again gives testimony—without a fraction of a time-lag.
You will have heard of floods which began on May 29th and are not by any means cleared up yet, although the danger points have passed. These, I understand, have been shown on British news-reels. They affected especially the district of B.[ritish] C.[olumbia] and then went on into the U.S.A. Mentioning only monetary aspects, the damage in B.C. is now estimated for crops and homes alone (without taking in highways, bridges and dykes, etc.) at some $9,000,000 and in U.S.A., I think, at some $130,000,000 or more. An "expensive" kind of testimony to say the least of it. Nevertheless, it is a fact, and was noted in this special connection as early as June 1, that apart from the interpretation of this cipher in its special sense which cannot at present be "expounded", if one takes just the numbers mentioned and adds them up, viz: 4, 6, 3, 8, 2, 4, 3, 24, and 89, they come to 143 which, as you will see from Sepher Sephiroth, is "Running Waters".
Well, they came along alright, followed as it were by the "Rainbow of Promise" and a New Covenant—for them that fear Him. Personally, I take that to be sufficient "proof" without Achad being under the necessity of disclosing the other details for the benefit of sceptics. You, of course, may not think so, but the facts are hard to explain, especially in view of a series of such occurrences dating from 1917—as previously indicated.
The final Word, of course, meaning "God is Not Not" (93) simply goes to show that Al Shadai is not to be played with by such fools as deny Him and try to set up in His place a "93" such as Aiwass. He lets Nature testify to the fact in no uncertain terms, and Achad in, writing, to repudiate the Satanic forces. Thus, we may hope, the situation is now cleared up to the final discomfiture of the enemy of mankind which has caused so much trouble since the beginning of this century. This dirty black magical bunch need thoroughly to be smoked out—but that dos not lie in human hands; we are mere witnesses and recorders of observable facts.
Some of these facts are very mysterious. It is not much use asking: Why?, but there is a peculiar thing to note. There is a small place called Chilliwack in B.C. which in 1917, 1935 and 1948 seems especially destined to "get it in the neck". (I am not sure about 1932 in this connection.) In 1917 the "storm" which accompanied certain phases of Initiation, affected especially the high-tension wires of the city (rather than closer home, which was completely protected) and did damage of some $150,000 if I remember rightly. (Using money figures as example.) In 1935 this same Initiation was continued, or rather renewed in reverse; the same kind of things happened, again Chilliwack suffered most, to the tune of about $40,000. This was carefully noted at the time. I enclose a photograph of some of the results, which please return. This time, 1948, the official estimates, which are in yesterday's paper, show $9,000,000 for B.C., of which $4,350,000 (about half) is for Chilliwack. I've never been to that place. It is very strange that the currents seem to twist round and hit in that direction.
Now none of these "effects" of course were consciously worked for. Initiations went on—ordeals were passed—and these incidental testimonies of Nature came along with them and were of course reported in the papers, from which news-clippings were then made and attached to other records. There is no human means of accounting for this; but they are objective facts, which, because in regular series, cannot be ignored, and because of the vastness of their nature cannot well be accounted for. The only thing to do is to make a note (private) of them and let it go at that.
Your in Unity and Love,