Correspondence from Bryant & Sons to Louis Wilkinson
Bryant & Sons Funeral Directors and Embalmers 44-46 Queen's Road Hastings
Louis Wilkinson, Esq., c/o Levishie Lodge, Glenmoriston, Inverness.
Dear Sir,
The late Mr. Edward Alexander Crowley.
We thank you for your favour enclosing cheque in settlement of the attached statement of account, which we return to you duly receipted.
As you know, we still have the ashes of the above deceased gentleman in our chapel, and we shall be glad if you will please let us know what instruction you have for these ashes. The ashes, may, of course, remain in our chapel, and no charge be made, but eventually they will have to be disposed of, and we wonder if you know what arrangements will be made.
Assuring you always of our very best personal attention at all times,
We are,
Yours very faithfully,