Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






3 July 1948



Dear Yorke,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Yours of 27/6/48 just to hand. On the points mentioned we really seem to be getting down to facts. That is good.


The series of AA letters was a copy because A.C. had the original typescript. It is my only copy, in that form of compilation; therefore my wish for its return. Thanks.


There are just a few further points about the O.T.O. which need to be clarified. The Rituals Minerval, I, II, III (which are all that are in question) have taken three forms. The first form, as originally used in London, Australia, S. Africa and B.C., was closely parallel to Masonic, for which very reason it was accepted by Masons who were able to become affiliated thereto. Why should they so desire affiliation? We had the true Word of III°—they had only a substitute—as their tradition proves. Therefore, of course, our degree work was of real value.


In 1915 or 1916, without otherwise changing these rituals in any way, A.C. added to them, in the obligations, certain mild aspects of Thelema. These changes were readily accepted by all concerned, as in live with New Aeon current then being introduced for the first time. The Message of the Master Therion was then written and publicly circulated to advance that cause, which at that time had taken on no "objectionable" aspects. (In B.C., for instance, the Degrees were first worked in the original form, and later with the Thelema additions which were very slight. This doubtless applies in Africa and Australia.) It was under this system that Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] was initiated, and was the one he worked when he opened up in L.A.


The "Detroit" rituals (which you have) are quite different. They were, I think, chiefly based on the symbolism of the Shriners—travelling the burning sands etc. The Shriners is as you know not strictly a Masonic Degree, but a group of men only eligible if they have first obtained the 32° Scottish Rite. (A few "high degree" masons get the honour of 33°—all the rest get into the Shriners and have a good time—and incidentally help a lot of crippled children.)


This set of rituals was rejected by Detroit Masons; one of the objections being that their nature too clearly disclosed the source from which they were prigged. I cannot check up on this because not a Shriner. Another objection was certain "moral" or "immoral" features. There were none such in the degrees which were actually worked as e.g. in B.C. It was a darned nice clean effective method of outer "Initiation". What A.C. later did with "Detroit" Rituals I do not know. They represent no facts of actual lodge-work, anywhere. I don't think any "lodge" which ever existed had the facilities for putting these degrees on. The regular series could be worked in any Masonic Lodge Room (if rented), or without too much difficulty in less pretentious quarters. For same reason, so far as I know, Lodge of Perfection and Rose Cross Degrees have never been worked. (Too elaborate and expensive.) (What actually went on in Germany I don't know, but probably any report you have of it is about exactly opposite to actual facts.)


Many points are gradually becoming clearer due to our correspondence. I only wish Germer [Karl Germer] had been more straightforward and willing to answer a few simple questions relative to facts. Also I wish he had kept his word and sent copy of A.C.'s Will. As I told you originally, I deem this essential to clarify my mind. Without it I'm "fumbling in the dark" on certain points and have in consequence had to waste a lot of time. I have now written to Somerset House and hope in due course to get results. Until then there is not much further that I can do in regard to A.C.'s affairs.


Other aspects are, however, clearing up wonderfully—that is from the point of view of wider issue.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in Unity and Love,


P.S. I don't see why you suggest that I have "cut out" the "Love is the law . . ." aspect, when it is clearly indicated in official "MA-ION document" and even more clearly shown in the final "Perfect-ion" Document. I merely use "Yours in Unity and Love" as my personal ending on account of both Achad and Ahebah being 13 and together Tetragrammaton.)


