Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






4 July 1948



Dear Yorke,


Yours of 29/6/48 to hand.


Yes, if Germer [Karl Germer] sends you the original magazine I should like the copy of article Gambling with the World returned, as it might be useful in some other instance.


The Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges] diary is complete, in the sense that there is no further record here. I hoped you had remainder which would have been more interesting. Am sorry to hear it has not survived.


You asked me, I remember, about the Amalantrah working—of which you have some part. I am sorry to say I have none of this, and my own diary notes of the period do not amount to half-a-paragraph.


The only other black notebook contains only the verses of Chapter one of Liber Legis, with the brief beginnings of second commentary thereunder in some instances. Every word therein is included in typescript to second commentary which you have, together, of course, with much more. So there is nothing to send you on that score.


The same applies to notes I have mentioned as crossed out in pencil as copied. These did survive. They were O.T.O. material which I know you have, and in as far as "open", already published.


This time I will ask you to supply the proofs that A.C. "wanted these note books" and asked me for them 1925/26 and that I told him any such yarn as you suggest. Please send me that portion of his and my correspondence which mention this matter.


Yours very sincerely,




