Correspondence from Dennes & Co. to Louis Wilkinson
5th July, 1948
Dear Sir,
Re E.A. Crowley decd.
We thank you for your letter of the 1st instant enclosing two cheques drawn by us on the 20th and 27th November last for the sum of £1. 9. 6 in each case, such cheques having been drawn in favour of the late Mr. Crowley.
We should be much obliged if you would let us have a sight of the Probate of the will of the late Mr. Crowley whereupon we shall be in a position to draw a fresh cheque for the amount of the two cheques which you have returned in favour of the Executors.
We note that the Official Receiver has relinquished any claim against the assets of the Estate.
Yours faithfully,
L. Wilkinson Esq. 17 St. Leonard's Terrace, S.W.3.