Statement by Charles Stansfeld Jones
6 July 1948 11.30 P.M. (Standard t.)
The Record of Frater Achad.
Ever since the diary "Hermit of Aesopus Island" was re-discovered among my effects it has caused trouble. I mentioned the fact to Yorke [Gerald Yorke], and he has since pestered me to send it to him. Symonds [John Symonds] added his weight.
This section of A.C.'s record contained evidence of his attempt to bring about the death of R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] by magical means. It also contained a series of remembrances of "past incarnations". These I carefully copies out and sent to Yorke who has acknowledges the receipt. In addition it contained some material of great interest to me which might have been very useful in writing up my magical record—but distinctly "evil" in character.
Under the circumstances, and after a great deal of thoughtful and prayerful consideration, I decided to completely destroy this book of record, as a gesture against the powers of evil and thus removing the evidence of the wrong done by A.C. to R.S.J.—who held no ill-will towards him on that account.
Therefore, at about 10.40 (P.S.T.) this evening, and continuing until 11 o'clock, in the presence of R.S.J., I burnt this section of the record to ashes in our living room—thus finally disposing of the matter.
As a result my mind feels very much relieved. Am inclined to think that A.C. himself (wherever he now may be) concurred in this action and wished this evidence against him to be destroyed. R.I.P.