Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
6 July 1948
O.I.V.V.I.O., Master of the Temple A∴A∴ To: Frater V∴I∴, Neophyte A∴A∴
Care Frater ∴VI∴
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
This is my official reply to certain recent correspondence relative to the disposition of part of the records of this Order.
The death of the Founder of the Order, and other officials who at one time had a legitimate place therein, leaves me as the sole Officer of standing recognized by the late Founder, and the one Brother whose records of any high degree of attainment in accordance with the original rules of the Order are extant and mentioned as such in officially printed books. Therefore, I retain the sole authority in the Order known as the A∴A∴, and anyone who should hereafter dispute the fact must produce proofs and personal records of an equal or higher degree of Attainment that that proclaimed above in this letter.
There are in my possession certain records of the Order dealing with some details of the attainments therein of those other than myself. No other than myself has any right to them as they were handed to me personally by the Founder of the Order in my capacity of Master of the Temple therein for purposes of record.
Since within my lifetime I may consider it my duty and privilege to write so far as possible some history of the Order, taking into account the above-mentioned records, my own diaries, and the correspondence between the Founder of the Order and myself which covered a long period of years, it is not my intention at this time to place any further details of such records in other hands, less capable in my opinion of dealing with them in a proper manner and in the true interests of the Order.
I therefore request that you remain content with the several items of information I have already freely supplied in response to your letters asking for available details, and cease making further requests for material which in my opinion can be put to more important used than those you suggest.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally, O.I.V.V.I.O. 777 Master of the Temple, A∴A∴