Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






9 July 1948





Dear Yorke,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Yours of 3/7/48 to hand.


If you will again refer to the statement made by A.C. which you quote, I am sure you will find that he spelt my name correctly. He was a good deal more careful than you are when it comes to accuracy.


I am glad you propose to respect my wishes in regard to Liber 31: which was sent to you on very definite conditions shown in the statement at the end of the typescript. I do not wish any portion of this manuscript to be copied or circulated in any way by you or another. The Qabalistic portion will probably be included in my own book later on, in which event the student to whom you refer will then have an opportunity to study it. If you care to send me his name and address I will include it on my mailing list for pre-publication notice.


Thank you for your offer to send me copies of other "Wills" (than the latest) in your possession. As these are likely to appear in Symonds' [John Symonds] book when published, there is no need for me to accept you kind offer.


Love is the law, love under will.




