Correspondence from Dennes & Co. to Louis Wilkinson












12th July, 1948



Dear Sir,


Re E.A. Crowley decd.


We are in receipt of your letter of the 9th instant and note that Probate of the Will of the late Mr. Crowley has not yet been taken out.


In law the Executors are not in a position to wind up an Estate without representation.


We think it right to inform you that Mr. Crowley for some years past had recovered Income Tax by means of an Income Tax Recovery Agency. This Agency is The Income Tax Recovery and Taxpayers Protection Association. Such Agency has twice written to us to enquire whether they can make an application on behalf of the Executors.


In all circumstances we should prefer a sight of the Probate as this would relieve the Trustees of responsibility for making payment to the Executors.


Yours faithfully,




L. Wilkinson Esq.

17 St. Leonard's Terrace,



