Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






26 July 1948



Dear Yorke,


By a kind of miracle your letter of 8/7/48 and note enclosed was delivered here without stamp, comment or charges. The Government is becoming generous. Thanks all round.


The O.T.O. matter is of no importance on point at issue, but will deal with your further inquiries.


A.C. did not show the original rituals III° to any of the masons in Detroit. He could conceivably have done so to some masonic friend in New York or elsewhere and obtained the opinion that they would have been less acceptable in U.S.A. than they were in British possessions.


My only reasons for supposing that Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] used the old rituals are that he knew the original ones by heart and was used to working them, and that when I visited him in L.A. and saw his "lodge" room he never mentioned any change of rituals and there was no indication that the "Lodge" contained any different furniture, such as "tanks", etc. I have no "evidence" of what he did.


You quite evidently have the "Detroit" rituals. Of these all I have is First Degree "Lustration" (3 Points). I don't think I ever had or saw copies of II° and III°.


My main point is that apart from anything that went on in Los Angeles, the rituals you have were not those worked in South Africa, London, Australia or Canada when the order may be said to have been active.


A.C. no doubt had all the "Words" to which he was in any way entitled. We will leave it at that.


Yours in Unity and Love,




