Correspondence from Louis Wilkinson to Menneer, Idle & Brackett








Lloyds Bank Chambers,

28 & 29 Grand Parade,

St. Leonards-on-Sea.





24th August, 1948.



Dear Mr. Wilkinson,


A. Crowley deceased


Thank you for your card of the 18th instant. After you last wrote me I communicated with the Bank to ascertain their requirements and my last letter has remained unanswered. They have sent me some forms to get signed when the other matters are cleared up in order to get Treasury consent, but they want Probate. I telephoned the Manager on receipt of your card and he could not give me an answer but promised to refer to the Bank's legal advisors and communicate with me again.


I do not quite gather your reference to money due to the deceased from Income Tax. Surely Mr. Crowley had no income which bore tax. If he had, you would require a Grant of Probate to obtain repayment.


As to the cheque to which you refer, I think if they are small you should have no difficulty in getting the drawer of the cheques to cancel them and issue fresh ones payable to the Executors. I gather that the Executors have already cleared most of the debts due from the deceased. Have you had particulars of the amount due to W. A. Guy Limited? According to our correspondence there was a sum of £104. owing.


Yours very truly,




Dr. L. Wilkinson,

17, St. Leonards Terrace,

London, S.W.3.


