Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Karl Germer






Luna in Cancer.


[30 August 1948]



Care Magister,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The other day John Symonds approached me with the suggestion that I write a preface for Liber Aleph.


I have done this to his entire satisfaction and I am submitting it to you lest there should be any points you wish to raise concerning it.


I realize, for instance, that subsequent history has proved Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] not to be the 'son' in question, or perhaps, to put it bluntly, a 'bastard son' in the true sense of that expression. Yet I find no way out of the difficulty of presenting the facts correctly, unless I omit the name completely, alluding instead to "a certain brother of AA".


I would appreciate your advice on this matter, as I do not want to cause any unnecessary pain either to yourself or to the gentleman in question.


In all other respects I feel fully satisfied, although I am not quite certain of the actual year in which Aleph was written. As far as I can gather from the Diaries I have seen, 1918 is accurate, but I wish you would put me right on this point.


As you will see I feel it is vitally important to insist on Aleph being a Comment, as A.C. himself described it. It cannot in any way be considered independent of The Book of the Law.


I have heard from various sources that you are extremely busy and would like you to know that you can rely on me to perform any service over here, especially if these tend to a considerable lightening of your present burden.


Hoping to hear from you shortly.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally yours,

Kenneth Grant.


P.S. John Symonds, who is very efficient in all matters appertaining to production, has assured me that he will attend to the details of the Preface, layout, type, spacing etc. etc.


