Correspondence from Lloyds Bank to Louis Wilkinson





Lloyds Bank Limited




June 25th 1948



Dear Sir,


Executors of E. A. Crowley.


We have your letter of the 1st instant enclosing copy of a communication you have written to Mr. Beckett.


We would like to point out that the executors of the above estate, according to the authority signed at the opening of the account, are your good self and Lady Harris [Frieda Harris]. We have no record of any other Executors and it is the first time we have heard that Mr. K.J. Germer [Karl Germer] is in fact a co-executor. If we had been aware of the position we should have certainly required his signature to our Authority before allowing any operations on the account.


We find that one cheque for £15 was presented for payment and has been passed through on the day the figures were abstracted and sent to you. It is enclosed herewith and we regret the omission. The original amount deposited was £454.13.6 to which was added 5/- interest up to June 30th last. Two amounts of £154.18.6 and £100 respectively were transferred to a current account against which total payments including 4/- for a cheque book, of £227.16.10 have been made. The total moneys held by the Bank on both accounts are therefore £227.1.8. We think your original record of £454.14.-. has not taken into consideration 6d paid for the stamp on the Authority, neither have you allowed in your calculations for the cheque book.


Yours faithfully,






L. Wilkinson Esq.,

17 St Leonard's Terrace,




