Correspondence from Louis Wilkinson to Menneer, Idle & Brackett
Lloyds Bank Chambers, 28 & 29 Grand Parade, St. Leonards-on-Sea.
28th October, 1948.
Dear Mr. Wilkinson,
Thank you for your letter of the 20th instant, the contents of which I note.
I have now prepared and enclose the papers which are necessary for you and Lady Harris [Frieda Harris] to complete and shall be glad if you will both sign them where indicated and take them, together with the Will which is also enclosed, to a Solicitor who is also a Commissioner for Oaths, who will swear you to them and whose fee if you both swear together will be 11s.6d., but if you attend separately 6s.6d. each.
When the papers have been completed, please return them to me so that I can file them in the Probate Registry. Will you please also send me the certificate of Post War Credit so that I can have it amended into the names of the Executors. The only way it can be cashed is for one of the residuary legatees to take a transfer and apply for payment. The requisite age for this is 60 in the case of a woman and 65 for men. It would obviously be preferable for yourself of Lady Harris to take the transfer assuming either of you are of the required age and perhaps you will let me have a note of the date of birth of whichever of you decides to make the application and I will then prepare the form accordingly.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. L. Wilkinson, 17, St. Leonards Terrace, London, S.W.3.