Correspondence from Louis Wilkinson to Menneer, Idle & Brackett





17 St. Leonard's Terrace,




12th November, 1948.



Dear Mr. Beckett,


I am sorry for the delay in returning to you the enclosed. I have been away, so could not attend to it at once; and I have only just received it back from Lady Harris [Frieda Harris]. As to Section 2 on the Form B—2 (ESTATE DUTY) I am not able to say that the deceased left no lawful children; but I take it that this is not material, as Lady Harris and I have sworn "to the best of our knowledge and belief." Also there will be no Estate Duty, and no one could have any claim on the small personal estate except the creditors. But I thought it better to draw your attention to this point, just in case it might have more importance than I imagine.


Thank you for your letter of 28th October. I am also enclosing, as you request, the Certificate of Post War Credit. I am over 65 years of age, so I can take the transfer and apply for payment in due course. The solicitors who made the payment by the two cheques totaling £2.19.6 will send this amount when they have: sight of Probate," so I will inform them when Probate is through. I returned the original cheques to them some time ago.


The date of my birth is December 17, 1881.


Yours sincerely,


Louis Wilkinson


