Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
[7 December 1948]
Now one very serious word about Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones]—Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]: 666 long ago discarded Jones—Achad completely, fully and forever. He wrote long ago that Jones was possibly to become a Black Brother. 666 knew the manipulations of his [Jones] against him which were black indeed. I have since made my own experiences with Jones. His U.B. [Universal Brotherhood], I hear, asks from the joiners a photo and a lock from the left temple. Think yourself whether that could be done in a truly White organisation.
However, Jones holds from Reuss [Theodor Reuss] a Charter for the O.T.O. for the whole of English North America, I think, ad vitam, which means that after A.C.'s death he could make all kinds of difficulties in and for the O.T.O. over here and for other parts of the World. He could actually give a Charter to Smith and a genuine Charter at that.
All this makes for actual or possible complications, which make me sometimes think of putting the "Order of Thelemites" on an entirely new basis, for which I need consultations with other leading Brethren, and prolonged consultations too.—666 could, even as O.H.O., not revoke Jones' Charter, because it was ad vitam. --------
You have sometimes expressed self-doubt about your value. All that has happened out there in the last 5 or 10 years should have convinced you that after Max' [Max Schneider] death, there is no one who is a genuine Thelemite but you, and those like Jean who were trained by him. I might as well say in this connection that Ishrah [Herbert Schmolke] was definitely acknowledged by 666.— — — I am a X° O.T.O. Grand Master of all the German—speaking nations.