Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



January 1, 1949



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am sorry no end there has been so much delay in writing you, and that when I saw a letter was impossible, I did not forward a card of Solstice Greetings for you and Sascha [Sascha Germer]. The comings and goings of this holiday season were most unusual and tiring.


During this time I kept a sort of diary for you and jotted down a few items as the days went by—explanatory notes re Ray [Ray Burlingame] and Mildred [Mildred Burlingame]—only to discover to-day that what I was told in the first place by Ray, will not be fulfilled: i.e. that his insurance, his union dues, plus the needful clothing made it possible to send the full amount, but from now on he would shoot through (his words) his usual contributions. Mildred now tells me that henceforth Ray will contribute only his dues.


Also: Mildred has resigned as Treasurer-Secretary protem, and will not assume any further Lodge duties. She is taking outside sewing to make some extra money, and "will be too busy" for these activities.


Rhea [Rhea Leffingwell], who is spending the Holidays near Pomona with her daughter and family, spent a couple of hours with me Wednesday. During the conversation she scoffed at organization, but also remarked she had thought of joining the Mormons but found them too restrictive. No coffee, no cigarettes, etc., I mention this in connection with my last, in which Roy [Roy Leffingwell] insisted that the family were staunchly for you.


So, you see things have been unfolding! And I wondered if you might not be unduly concerned about Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones]!! I favor the O.T.O. rather than a new Order without A.C.'s Rituals? But I also speculate about the folding up of Agape Lodge, which trails so much with it: and make a fresh start. But how? where? with what people? Paul [Paul Milliken] had one of pendulum swings lately, and decided to join. Mind you, it was Dorothy who had asked him to do so—she it was who telephoned me about the matter. But when Paul found she was not prepared to join with him, he said No, not at this time.


However, that is the first swing the Order direction. He will eventually come around I feel sure: he it is I would like to see eventually installed as Lodge Master. Or as a good Right Hand Bower, until he learns more.


Some time ago I copied Ararita. Would a copy be suitable for Ishrah [Herbert Schmolke]?


Meanwhile Hugh Christopher (born Max Rosenau) has a big question mark in the picture. Before going east to Pa. to settle his mother's estate, he decided to take up Liber Astarte on this return: so wrote a sketchy ritual last summer. After his return he fumbled around during the Fall, but by latter part of October or early November he was under way—invoking Ra Hoor Khuit! "How can you approach Him?" Hugh: "He is defined through action. I have a healthy respect for That Fellow!" Through the following conversation, for the first time I achieved some understanding of "Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom" a statement which always puzzled me. Also, through this same conversation, I felt more in touch with the activities of R.H.K. [Ra Hoor Khuit]. Something to make one think!


Also, Hugh is set to raise the Beast—sensed some 2 or 3 years back, which experience kept our Hugh quiet for some time, for just that bit of power scared him.


I have looked for "The Pulse of Life" by Dane Rudhyar, but cannot find a copy, so I will send you mine next week, and meantime will order a copy for you as my name is in this one. For the season, Paul presented me with a copy of "Psychic Energy" by Dr. M. Esther Harding, pupil of Jung, this I share with Hugh, as he is tiring of two hours steady work on Qabalah. I will continue a smaller content, say an hour, and finish the evening with "Psychic Energy".


One morning I read: "These two world spirits, which Greek philosophy called 'the growing' and 'the burning' stand in mortal combat, and we cannot foretell the outcome." Walking along the street later, thinking of this statement, I consciously lined myself up with R.H.K., heretofore an acceptance only. Something is becoming objectified in me? Jung's objective psyche? I may find out just what he means by this. "I am a black and terrible God; with courage conquering fear shall ye approach Me." Not in vain have I been working on Liber Tzaddi lo these several weeks. At least I am moving from my 'suspension in space' down into Jane, a source of considerable satisfaction, though a yawning abyss may lie before me.


Is it possible that this work may have somewhat to do with the reactions of lodge members, or former members? At present I feel (do let me say it!) like Christ driving out the money changers. I am beginning to get mad. And here I want to add an item, in case it has any value: I once told Mildred Russia and Communism meant more to her than Thelema. We will see.


Love is the law, love under will.


With all love and greetings to you both,




P.S. I feel we have pregnant months before us.


