Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
20 January 1949.
Dear Jones,
I hope you still flourish.
I have just acquired a bundle of Mudd's [Norman Mudd] diaries and papers. His reactions to his treatment by A.C. were to me most interesting. A lot of the old sinner's letters and also of Alostrael's [Leah Hirsig] letters have thus come to light again. I enclose for you to keep The Order and Value of the English Alphabet, which A.C. mentions somewhere that he had worked out, as he was instructed to do. But I had not hitherto come across a copy, and send one to you in case you have not got it.
I also enclose a postcard from A.C. to Mudd recording "two discoveries of major importance re AL". Please return the original to me. Copy it or have it photographed if you want to.
No need to return by air mail, but please send it registered. I want to paste it (the original) in the one-volume commentary on AL of which I sent you a typescript some time back.
John Symonds expects to finish his Life about April. He has not shown me the typescript yet, but will do so as soon as it is completed.
Are you interested in abortive visions re the War Engine? If so, I can send to you for inspection and return. This is simpler than me trying to copy the figures.
Gerald Yorke.